What can I do instead of teaching with a degree in education?

What can I do instead of teaching with a degree in education?

Careers are listed based on their average salary, according to current Payscale data.

  • Administration – Principal, Vice-Principal, Superintendent.
  • Standardized Test Developer.
  • Educational Consultant.
  • Homeschool Consultant.
  • After School Program Director.
  • Curriculum Design.
  • Instructional Designer.
  • School/Child Psychologist.

What qualifications do you need to be a teacher in Australia?

You need a university qualification to work as a teacher in Australia and, in most states and territories, there are two common pathways: complete a four-year teaching degree – which, depending on where you studied, qualifies you to become an early childhood or primary school teacher and, in some circumstances, a …

What are some other jobs in the education field besides teaching?

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Other jobs in the education field besides teaching involve being a counselor or recruiter for a college or career center. Counselors will provide feedback to students on how to choose the right college or career based on their strengths and weaknesses.

Can a teacher have a second career in education?

In fact, there are many great career changes for teachers out there, whether it means moving up the ladder or looking into jobs in education field besides teaching. Second careers for teachers can take many different forms. For some, it means a complete career change out of teaching, looking for jobs for teachers outside of education.

What are the best jobs for teachers with a master’s degree?

Some alternative jobs for teachers are counted among the best-paying careers with a master’s degree. Jobs are presented simply in alphabetical order. 1. Administration – Principal, Vice-Principal, Superintendent Jobs in education besides teaching include educational administration roles.

What are the best jobs for postsecondary teachers who don’t want to teach?

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The best jobs for postsecondary teachers who don’t want to teach, but would like to remain in the education field include instructional coordination, postsecondary education administration, or work as elementary through high school principals.