What can torpedoes do?

What can torpedoes do?

torpedo, cigar-shaped, self-propelled underwater missile, launched from a submarine, surface vessel, or airplane and designed for exploding upon contact with the hulls of surface vessels and submarines.

How do torpedoes know when to explode?

Science of war-torpedo. Not all torpedoes are designed to home in on the target and explode on impact. Some are designed to explode several metres below the hull of a ship in order to cause maximum damage. On detonation, triggered by recognition of the ship’s magnetic signature, a spherical gas bubble forms.

What is inside a torpedo?

A torpedo therefore has a propulsion system, a guidance system and some sort of explosive device. A torpedo cannot do that, so it uses a fuel that either does not need an oxidizer, or it carries the oxidizer inside the torpedo. OTTO fuel (see the links below) has its own oxidizer mixed with the fuel.

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What are beef torpedoes?

Loaded with ground beef, cheese, olives and seasonings, these beefy torpedoes will soon become a favorite at your house too! This is an easy combination of ingredients which makes a great tasting meal. Just fry up some ground beef, onions, garlic, seasonings, salt and pepper, then drain the grease.

How are torpedoes loaded?

Torpedoes are loaded into the dry tubes depending upon the operational scenario. Immediately prior to launch, a tube is loaded, flooded with seawater, its pressure equalized with the sea pressure and the outer tube door is opened.

Why did they grease torpedoes?

Greasing a torpedo before launching was not for anti-rusting as the torpedo would be blown up very shortly but it did 2 functions , first it helped slide out of the tordedo tube and second the grease helped the torpedo slip through the water with less drag .

How deep can a torpedo go?

Mark 48 torpedo
Propellant Otto fuel II
Maximum depth 500 fathoms, 800 m (2,600 ft) (estimated), officially “greater than 1,200 ft”
Maximum speed 55 kn (63 mph; 102 km/h) (estimated) officially “greater than 28 kn (52 km/h; 32 mph)”
Guidance system Common Broadband Advanced Sonar System