
What causes spiritual pain?

What causes spiritual pain?

Spiritual pain/suffering is commonly experienced by persons with life-limiting illness and their families. Physical pain itself can be exacerbated by non-physical causes such as fear, anxiety, grief, unresolved guilt, depression and unmet spiritual meets.

How does craving lead to suffering?

Samudaya – suffering is caused by desire or craving. Craving, or tanha , keeps humans attached to existence. It means that humans are reincarnated again and again, or ‘arise’ again and again.

How can dukkha be stopped?

nirodha (cessation, ending) of this dukkha can be attained by the renouncement or letting go of this taṇhā; magga (path, Noble Eightfold Path) is the path leading to renouncement of tanha and cessation of dukkha.

Can Enlightenment be taken away?

Now, this blissfulness cannot be taken away by anybody. So, what you call “enlightenment” means a conscious self-annihilation. Right now, most people are not thinking of enlightenment. They are just trying to live a little better. They want to live a little more peacefully, joyfully, more efficiently, more effectively.

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What does Enlightenment mean to you?

Enlightenment means a conscious annihilation of yourself. For most people, it will take a certain amount of time and maturing to understand that whatever you make yourself to be, in the end, it is frustrating and not enough. However wonderful you make yourself, still it is not enough. Only when you disappear, everything becomes wonderful.

What was the lasting political impact of the Enlightenment?

The lasting political impact of the Enlightenment cannot be overstated. At least three major political revolutions occurred during this time period in Britain, America, and France. These revolutions manifested ideas centering on government by consent of the governed, social contract, freedom, and equality.

Is anyone too big or too small for enlightenment?

No one is ever too big or too small for enlightenment. It could happen to anybody, anytime and anywhere. As Sadhguru has said, enlightenment is the annihilation of what we take our selves to be. Only when absent of a self, we can realise the bliss of the Self.