
What countries can you get tattoos at 16?

What countries can you get tattoos at 16?

You can get a tattoo at 16 in In Austria, Croatia, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Romania and Spain – but you must have parental consent. Other places in Europe such as Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Luxembourg, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Sweden have no legislative age restrictions on tattooing.

Are tattoos allowed in Italy?

This tattoo is illegal. In Italy, tattoos, like piercings, are shocking, and less common than in many other parts of Europe – a survey by the Eurispes research institute found that only 6\% of Italy’s teenagers had a tattoo. …

Can you get a tattoo at 16 in Europe?

France’s age requirement is 16, while Austria, Denmark, and Germany are the few countries that have the same minimum age of 18 as the United Kingdom. By the way, there are two more special countries. Greek tattoo law only covers tattoos and not permanent make-up. Other key provisions, in a non-exhaustive summary.

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What age can you get a tattoo in Europe?

Tattoo legal age in Europe

Country Age Comment
Denmark 18 Is not legal -18 years or tattooing head, neck or hands.
Estonia 18 No legislation.
Finland 18 Parental consent under 18.
France 16 You cannot tattoo fascist stuff.

Can I get a tattoo at 15 in Italy?

Other key provisions, in a non-exhaustive summary: Only tattoo persons who are at least 18 years of age. Persons under the age of 18 may only be tattooed in the presence of a guardian who has given the required written consent. Not advise on the customer’s state of physical health or offer any medical opinion.

Can my 13 year old get a tattoo?

Getting a tattoo at 13 years old is not common, nor is it easy. Many states require that a minor be tattooed by a licensed physician, or at least in the presence of one. A 13 year old can get a tattoo legally in 22 states (listed above) with written parental consent.

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What is the legal age to get a tattoo in Europe?

Greece: sometimes under 16 with written consent and the presence of a tutor or parent in the room where the minor is being tattooed. Ireland: besides the lack of legislation, you can get a tattoo at 16 if with adult consent. Finland: only under 16 with written consent too.

Is it legal to get a tattoo at 16 in Australia?

In Western Australia, it is illegal to tattoo or brand a person under 18 years of age without the written consent of a parent of legal guardian. This law also applies to the execution of intimate and non-intimate body piercings. It is also illegal for someone under 16 years to have their ears pierced without parent or guardian consent.

What is the minimum age to get a tattoo in California?

Only tattoo persons who are at least 18 years of age. Persons under the age of 18 may only be tattooed in the presence of a guardian who has given the required written consent. Not advise on the customer’s state of physical health or offer any medical opinion.

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Do you need a permit to get a tattoo in Greece?

Permit required for anyone under 18. Greek tattoo law only covers tattoos and not permanent make-up. Other key provisions, in a non-exhaustive summary: Only tattoo persons who are at least 18 years of age. Persons under the age of 18 may only be tattooed in the presence of a guardian who has given the required written consent.