
What country do boys wear skirts?

What country do boys wear skirts?

Men wearing skirts (kilts) in Scotland is nothing unusual. This clothing is mostly won during official occasions and weddings but nowadays, men even put them on while going for a stroll. Men in Fiji started putting on skirts (sulu) not so long ago. This culture was embraced after they were colonized by the British.

How do I get my mom to buy me new clothes?

Go to stores on your own or ask your mom to take you so you can just look at stuff. Try clothes on and see what you like. Then tell your mom you’ll think it over before asking her to buy anything. Show her that this is something you really want and not just a passing fancy.

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How do I tell my parents I want to wear girls clothes?

Start by casually asking what your parents think of boys or men who wear traditionally female clothing as a way to test how they’ll react to your own desire to do so. If you see boys or men in girls’ clothes on TV or in a movie, point them out to your parents to ask about what they think.

What is the big deal about men wearing skirts and dresses?

Men used to wear skirts and dresses for centuries. So what is the big deal about it. It is about time that we as men get more freedom in the way we dress. A man in a skirt is still a man. Men look great in knee length skirts, especially pleated or kilt or kilt like skirts.

Is it okay for guys to wear skirts in public?

Again if it were made to look masculine YES! But it needs to be socially acceptable in order for us guys to wear a skirt or dress in public, and the only way this is going to happen is if 60\% or more men are willing to wear this type of clothing.

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How can I convince my parents to let me dress like a girl?

Tell your parents the reasons behind your desire to dress in girls’ clothing. Be specific about how dressing in this way does or would make you feel, how you benefit from it, or what occasion you want to wear this clothing for. If you don’t know why you want to do it, just explain that you feel the need to experiment right now.