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What country does it take the longest to become a doctor?

What country does it take the longest to become a doctor?

In general, the toughest countries in which to become a doctor are the United States and Canada, since both of these countries require completion of an undergraduate degree first.

How many years does it take to become a doctor in Europe?

Duration of Studies – Studies usually last six to seven years in Europe, while North American medical schools go for about four years.

Can you be a doctor in multiple countries?

It is possible for a medical doctor of one country to practice in another provided all the requisites are met. This includes factors such as recognition of the medical school and the degree obtained as well as the post-graduate education and training from internship to specialty certification.

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At what age you can become a doctor?

When you apply for the MBBS program through the general category, you must have completed 17 years, but must not be older than 25 years. MBBS is the basic degree required to become a doctor. This is the entry card to a career in medicine.

How many years does it take to become a doctor?

The undergraduate degree is usually completed in four years and medical school in another four, although some schools in the US offer an accelerated seven-year program, which essentially combines the student’s fourth undergraduate year with the first year of medical school.

How long does it take to become a doctor in Europe?

Medical school programs in Europe and Australia are pretty standardized: Medical students need to complete six years of undergraduate study, plus an internship. The exception is Germany, which requires completion of a five-year program. The toughest countries in which to become a doctor are the U.S. and Canada.

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How long does it take to become a doctor in Ireland?

As an example, a general practitioner spends 12-14 years in New Zealand, 10-13 years in Canada, 10-11 years in the UK, 9-11 years in Australia, and only around 9 years in Ireland. That’s compared to around 11 years in the US. It’s quite similar in India where it takes 11-15 years to become a doctor.

How many years does it take to become a doctor in Nigeria?

Though shorter than programs in many other countries, medical school programs in India are competitive, and MBBS holders still have to complete an internship of at least six months. Six years of undergraduate study must be completed to become a doctor in Nigeria.