Tips and tricks

What did daenerys whisper to Jon Snow?

What did daenerys whisper to Jon Snow?

“Let it be fear.”

What happens to Daenerys baby?

Mirri was then supposed to use Drogo’s horse as a sacrifice, but when she begins chanting, Daenerys starts feeling sharp pains in her stomach and collapses, going into labour. When she awakes, she learns that Khal Drogo has been left in a vegetative state by Mirri’s blood magic, and she’s lost her baby, Rhaego.

How old was Rhaegar targaryen when he had Jon Snow?

They married at a very young age (Aerys was 15 and Rhaella either 13 or 14). Rhaella gave birth to Rhaegar in 259 AC, at the age of either 14 or 15. Viserys was born in 276 AC, so 17 years after Rhaegar (Rhaella had many miscarriages, difficult pregnancies and stillbirths during these 17 years).

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Does Daenerys Love Jon Snow in Game of Thrones Season 8?

Warning: This post contains spoilers for Game of Thrones season 8. Daenerys Targaryen cares about the Iron Throne more than anything else. Daenerys declared during the second episode of season 8 that she loved Jon Snow and even diverted her singular mission to capture the Iron Throne because of his war.

Did Jon Snow deserve to die for killing Daenerys Targaryen?

Because of that, he would have known that she loved Jon until the very end, and that she had been corrupted by the seat of power, and so Jon Snow didn’t deserve to die for killing her in the Game of Thrones series finale. James is Screen Rant’s Movies Lead Editor, having started out as a writer for the site back in 2019.

Is J on ‘Game of Thrones’ really Snow’s parents?

But that was before she knew the real identity of J on Snow’s parents. In the final moments of the episode, Jon told Daenerys that he is the son of Dany’s brother, Rhaegar Targaryen, and therefore her nephew. Daenerys, rather than balking at the fact that she was sleeping with her relative, immediately questioned the veracity of the information.

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Did Daenerys Targaryen ever sit on the Iron Throne?

Unfortunately, it was all for nought in the end, as Daenerys never even got to sit on the Iron Throne. Just as she was about to get what she’d wanted for so long in the Game of Thrones series finale, “The Iron Throne”, Jon Snow, realizing the dangerous tyrant she’d become, killed his aunt/lover.