
What did spades in playing cards originally represent?

What did spades in playing cards originally represent?

Some historians have suggested that suits in a deck were meant to represent the four classes of Medieval society. Cups and chalices (modern hearts) might have stood for the clergy; swords (spades) for the nobility or the military; coins (diamonds) for the merchants; and batons (clubs) for peasants.

What Tarot suit is spades?


Latin suit French suit Element
Wands, batons, clubs, staves Clubs Fire
Pentacles, coins, disks, rings Diamonds Earth
Cups, chalices, goblets, vessels Hearts Water
Swords, blades Spades Air

What do spades mean in tarot?

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Spades represent challenging tasks or events coming in the future. Hearts are about feelings, family, home, love, and relationships. Clubs represent positive things that are coming in the near future.

Where did the spade symbol come from?

The modern symbol for the Spade, “♠”, came from the French iteration of the Sword suit, which represented the head of a pike. This association with the older suit of Swords meant that the suit of Spades was also associated with nobility and military.

Are swords bad in Tarot?

Tarot readers do not generally like to categorize cards as bad or good but the Nine of Swords is probably the most dreaded card in the deck. However, it can indicate the process of letting go or grief and, in combination with healing cards like the Queen of Wands, it can be highly beneficial.

What does it mean when you get a lot of swords in a tarot reading?

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If you see a lot of Swords in a reading, it can mean that the querent is seeking solutions to problems related to internal or external struggles, as well as the need for solid and firm decision-making. Let’s take a look at what the individual Sword cards mean when they appear right side up or in reverse.

How many Spades are in a deck?


Why do tarot cards have 14 suits?

This is because tarot cards were originally used as playing cards. In the mid-15th century, tarot cards were called trionfi, tarocchi and tarock cards. The designs of the cards varied across Europe as did the suits. Each deck, however, had four suits comprised of 14 cards.

How many cards are in a tarot card deck?

In the mid-15th century, tarot cards were called trionfi, tarocchi and tarock cards. The designs of the cards varied across Europe as did the suits. Each deck, however, had four suits comprised of 14 cards. Each suit contained ten pip cards numbered 10 through one or 10 through two with an ace acting as one.

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Why are tarot cards so similar to playing cards?

The similarity between the mystical tarot deck and the modern deck of playing cards is unsurprising. This is because tarot cards were originally used as playing cards. In the mid-15th century, tarot cards were called trionfi, tarocchi and tarock cards. The designs of the cards varied across Europe as did the suits.

What is the history of tarot cards?

The mystical and magical associations with tarot cards had put down roots by the mid-18th century and spread outside of Italy. A French writer, Antoine Court de Gebelin, claimed that tarot cards were based on a holy book written by ancient Egyptian priests. The cards were then brought to Europe by gypsies.