
What did the Pantheon look like originally?

What did the Pantheon look like originally?

Made primarily from bricks and concrete, the Pantheon consists of three sections: a portico with granite columns, a massive domed rotunda and a rectangular area connecting the other two sections. Measuring 142 feet in diameter, the domed ceiling was the largest of its kind when it was built.

Is the interior of the Pantheon original?

Interior: the dome The Pantheon may well be the first building from Classical architecture where the interior is deliberately made to outshine the exterior. The circular part of the building or rotunda was entranced via two bronze doors measuring 12 x 7.5 metres (those of today are ancient but not original).

Where is the original pantheon?

The Pantheon (UK: /ˈpænθiən/, US: /-ɒn/; Latin: Pantheum, from Greek Πάνθειον Pantheion, “[temple] of all the gods”) is a former Roman temple and since the year 609 a Catholic church (Basilica di Santa Maria ad Martyres or Basilica of St. Mary and the Martyrs), in Rome, Italy, on the site of an earlier temple …

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Who was the original patron of the Pantheon?

Prior to being the rotunda as we see now, the Pantheon was originally a rectangular structure facing south, built during the Roman Republic by Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa in 27 B.C.E. The temple was dedicated in particular to patrons of Caesar and Augustus (Julio-Claudian family), Mars and Venus.

What did Agrippa’s Pantheon look like?

It is now clear from archaeological studies that Agrippa’s original building was not a small rectangular temple, but contained the distinctive hallmarks of the current building: a portico with tall columns and pediment and a rotunda (circular hall) behind it, in similar dimensions to the current building.

What was the architectural style of the Pantheon?

Ancient Roman architecture
Pantheon/Architectural styles

What shape is the interior of the Pantheon based on?

The “rotunda” (Italian for “round”) is the name for the main central structure of the Pantheon and it refers to the Pantheon’s distinctive cylindrical shape….The Structure of the “Rotonda”

Height of wall 30.40 metres (external) 21.70 metres (internal)
Thickness of wall 6.40 metres at the base

What does the inscription Agrippa mean?

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The inscription on the façade of the Pantheon translates to “Marcus Agrippa, the son of Lucius, three times consul, built this.” Generally such an inscription clarifies confusion surrounding the origins of a monument; in this case, it has been the source of conflict in the debate over when and by whom the Pantheon was …

Did Agrippa build the Pantheon?

The Pantheon as it is known today was actually built on the site of another Pantheon that served as a temple for all the Roman gods. The first building was built by Marcus Agrippa around 27 AD to celebrate the victory of his father-in-law, the emperor Augustus, at Actium over Antony and Cleopatra.

Why is Agrippa in the Pantheon?

The construction of the Pantheon was done in the time of Hadrian, in 126 AD. It receives the name of Agrippa for having been built where previously, in the year 27 AD, was the Pantheon of Agrippa destroyed by a fire in 80 AD. It is composed of 16 granite columns 14 meters high, on which the inscription “M. AGRIPPA.

What is the history of the pantheon of Agrippa?

A little history of the Pantheon of Agrippa. The Pantheon of Agrippa, also known as the Pantheon of Rome, is one of the masterpieces of architecture present in the Italian capital as well as being the best preserved building of ancient Rome. The construction of the Pantheon was done in the time of Hadrian, in 126 AD.

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What is the history of the Pantheon in Rome?

History and Facts about the Pantheon in Rome. The Pantheon refers to a former temple in ancient Rome which was started in 27 BC, by Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (the mighty vice of Augustus). As we speak today, the Pantheon is a church in Rome, Italy.

Who was Marcus Agrippa in the Roman Empire?

Hadrian retained the legend M·AGRIPPA·L·F·COS·TERTIVM·FECIT, which means Marcus Agrippa, son of Lucius, Consul for the third time, built this Agrippa participated in smaller military campaigns in 35 and 34 BC, but by the autumn of 34, he had returned to Rome.

Is the Pantheon still in use today?

Today, the Pantheon continues to function as a church, as well as a major tourist destination. The present-day Pantheon is located on the site of an earlier structure of the same name, constructed around 25 B.C. by statesman Marcus Agrippa, son-in-law of the first Roman emperor, Augustus.