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What did Tony mean by suit of armor around the world?

What did Tony mean by suit of armor around the world?

Suit of armour around the world was what Tony could think of. He was trying to say that even if it failed once, it wont neccesarily fail twice or they could’ve had tried something else and i wpuld say Tony was right, a lot cpuld have been prevented if they had done something like that.

What was Ultron’s original plan?

The Ultron Program was a global peacekeeping program, jumpstarted after the Battle of New York and designed by Tony Stark to replace the Avengers. However, the program went horribly wrong and would unleash a genocidal machine obsessed with the extinction of humanity.

What happened to Tony Stark in Infinity War?

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Tony Stark aka Iron Man played by Robert Downey Jr. was stuck in the home planet of Thanos, Titan during the events of Avengers: Infinity War. Iron Man survives the snap of Thanos. 2. Captain America Steve Rogers aka Captain America played by Chris Evans was fighting Thanos’ army in the Battlefield of Wakanda before Thanos snapped his fingers.

What would have happened if the Avengers finally put matters right?

And then, five years later, the Avengers finally put matters right when the Hulk used the Infinity Gauntlet to bring back everyone who had vanished. Once again, the world would have gone through a tumultuous crisis, one that’s just hinted at in Spider-Man: Far From Home.

What happened to Thanos after Infinity War?

When Thanos snapped his fingers at the end of Avengers: Infinity War, he erased half the life in the universe. It was the single most dramatic event in the history of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, plunging the entire world into chaos. Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame offered only a hint of the immediate chaos.

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What happened during the five-year time jump in ‘Avengers’ Endgame?

A lot changed during Avengers: Endgame’s five-year time jump. Here’s everything that happened, and how our favorite superheroes changed. What happened during the five-year time jump in Avengers: Endgame? When Thanos snapped his fingers at the end of Avengers: Infinity War, he erased half the life in the universe.
