
What did you like most about The Alchemist?

What did you like most about The Alchemist?

What do you like most about the book the alchemist? – Quora. It is one book that teaches us to follow our dreams. A tale of a simple shepherd who embarks on an unforgettable journey. The journey teaches him, all the ups and downs one can face in life.

Whats so good about The Alchemist?

It focuses on the individual and the pursuit of individual dreams as making a positive contribution to the “Soul of the World”. It shows that obstacles to one’s personal legend are merely obstacles – not blockades. It challenges you to think about your own personal legend. It explores the meaning of “living the dream”.

How did The Alchemist become popular?

The Alchemist was not an instant success. The writing may have been fast, but success came very slowly. The book’s journey to becoming a commercial juggernaut almost reads like its own Coelho story. When a small Brazilian publisher took a chance on The Alchemist in 1988, it hedged its bets by only printing 900 copies.

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What is the most important lesson in The Alchemist?

The constant theme in The Alchemist is to pursue your dreams by following what your heart desires. During the young boy’s journey, he learns to listen to the heart and to follow the language of omens.

What should I read if I liked The Alchemist?

11 Books Like The Alchemist

  • The Pilgrimage, by Paulo Coelho.
  • Shantaram, by Gregory David Roberts.
  • The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, by Robin Sharma.
  • The Kite Runner, by Khaled Hosseini.
  • Life of Pi, by Yann Martel.
  • Into the Wild, by Jon Krakauer.
  • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, by Robert M.
  • Wild, by Cheryl Strayed.

What lessons did Santiago learn in the Alchemist?

Throughout the book, The Alchemist, You learn how to find your personal treasure and what it means to you. In the novel, The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, Santiago learns, “Remember where your heart is, there you will find your treasure.” First, Santiago always wanted to travel, so he becomes a shepherd.

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Is The Alchemist a children’s book?

Absolutely zero sex, violence or language; you can rest easy on that count. 🙂 No worries, this is an excellent book, and kid-friendly to the extent that there will be no objectional material (although whether or not it will keep their attention is a bit age-dependent, but I’d say give it a go 🙂 )

What the alchemist teaches about love?

The alchemist (speaking of Fatima) tells Santiago: Love never keeps a man from pursuing his personal legend. If he abandons that pursuit, it’s because it wasn’t true love. That’s the way it will be with our love for each other.

What role does The Alchemist play in the story?

For much of the rest of the book, the alchemist acts as a teacher for Santiago, teaching the shepherd how to be one himself. As you might expect, the alchemist lives a unique life. He lives by himself and have very little contact with anyone else from the oasis.

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Is the alchemist about Santiago or The Alchemist?

The Alchemist is one of the most important characters in The Alchemist, just as you might expect. However, the truth is that the book is not about him. That said, the person that the book is about, Santiago, would have have a much tougher go of his attempt to fulfill his Personal Legend without the alchemist.

Why does The Alchemist not pet his students?

Additionally, the alchemist does not pet his students. He is a firm believer in providing just enough guidance and letting them figure it out. He tells the Englishman to stop looking at books and just go do alchemy. For Santiago, he provides little more, saying that he will have to look within himself to transform into the wind.