
What do I do now that my mom died?

What do I do now that my mom died?

To Do Immediately After Someone Dies

  1. Get a legal pronouncement of death.
  2. Tell friends and family.
  3. Find out about existing funeral and burial plans.
  4. Make funeral, burial or cremation arrangements.
  5. Secure the property.
  6. Provide care for pets.
  7. Forward mail.
  8. Notify your family member’s employer.

What happens after your mother dies?

The first few days after your mother dies are going to feel like a blur. You will function only in that you will make funeral arrangements, contact relatives, console family members, and go forward taking care of necessary tasks. Numbness is the perfect word for this time. The funeral will come and go, and so will the relatives and well-wishers.

How do you cope with the loss of a mother?

The first few days after your mother dies are going to feel like a blur. You will function only in that you will make funeral arrangements, contact relatives, console family members, and go forward taking care of necessary tasks. Numbness is the perfect word for this time.

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Did you know mom was going to die?

We all knew Mom was going to die. In fact, there came a point when we were praying for God to take her and end her suffering. I thought I was prepared for Mom’s passing. I’m an educated, intellectual woman. I read all the books on death, dying, and grief. I knew it would be hard, but I figured I was ready to face it head-on.

What did my mother’s death make me realize about myself?

Despite her actions making me feel worthless, my mother’s death made me realize I am loved. My small family and circle of friends had great sympathy for my brothers and me as we spent a week watching our mother die and when we put her to rest. After her death, I discovered there is love in the world and I am worth something to others.