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What do I need in a man?

What do I need in a man?

He’s smart.

  • He makes you laugh.
  • He actively supports your career.
  • He makes as much effort with your friends and family as you do with his.
  • He’s emotionally intelligent.
  • He respects your opinions and listens to what you have to say.
  • He’s willing to put the work in.
  • He celebrates your achievements.
  • Do you need a male to reproduce?

    Sexual reproduction involves a female and a male, each contributing genetic material in the form of eggs or sperm, to create a unique offspring. The vast majority of animal species reproduce sexually, but females of some species are able to produce eggs containing all the genetic material required for reproduction.

    Whats the most important thing to a man?

    Some of the best traits men listed were, confidence, connection, trust, respect, a sense of humor, warmth, and being there and being able to communicate through adversity.

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    What do men truly want and need?

    1) Men are visual. They fall in love with their eyes FIRST. 2) Men want brains. Any smart man wants a smart woman. 3) Men love independent women. Contrary to what many believe, men these days are actively seeking women who are self-sufficient, not dependent. 4) Men need to feel needed. 5) Men appreciate open communication. 6) Men like when you stay sexy. 7) Men like manners.

    What do men really need?

    What Men Want In A Relationship Attraction. While this piece of advice might seem very obvious, many people easily fall into relationships that are just convenient even though there is no strong attraction there. Emotional intimacy. Respect. Acceptance. A physical connection. Romance. Security. Emotional maturity. Communication. Partnership.

    What do men want but won’t ask for?

    One of the things guys want but won’t ask for is support from their partner. Your guy wants you to support and believe in him. He wants you to trust him that he is smart and capable of succeeding not only on his own but with your input too. Listen to what he has to say and give him your opinions whenever he asks.

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    What men secretly want?

    What Men Secretly Want provides you with a step-by-step guide to understanding your man or any man. It’s an ultimate guide to building and maintaining a lasting relationship with your man. The tips and techniques contained in this book will turn your uncertain relationship to a loving committed one.