
What do we call anything that takes up space and has mass?

What do we call anything that takes up space and has mass?

L Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. Mass is the amount of mass an object contains.

What is an example of something that takes up space but has no mass?

cosmic waves, light, photon can take up some space without mass and volume. For example, the black holes are two dimensional (as much as I know) they have no volume but a field with mass.

Is there anything that has mass?

Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.

What takes up space and doesn’t have mass?

Everything that has mass and takes up space is matter. Every day, you encounter phenomena that either don’t have mass or don’t take up space. They are non-matter. Basically, any type of energy or any abstract concept is an example of something that is not matter.

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What is another way to say takes up space in science?

take up space; fill. take up space; take up a great deal of space; be bulky.

What’s the amount of space an object takes up?

VOLUME– The amount of space an object takes up.

What is mass and space?

Space and mass are the raw materials of architectural form; from them the architect creates an ordered expression through the process of composition.

Does everything have mass and take up space?

Anything that has mass and takes up space is matter.

What has mass but does not occupy space?

There is no thing(matter) that does not occupy space and does not have mass.But any physical quantity without mass or volume does exist ,such as energy,heat,photons,radiation,bosons etc.

Does Matter have to have mass if it takes up space?

Matter is anything that has mass and takes up space. So, in order to prove that air is matter, we need to prove that air has mass and takes up space. With this experiment you have shown that air takes up space and has mass, so you have proven that air is matter.

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Does all matter have mass and take up space?

The matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space. Everything is made of matter, so any object you can name consists of matter. Basically, if it takes up space and has mass, it’s the matter.

Does Matter have mass and occupy space?

Established science’s definition of matter says “matter is that which has mass and occupy space”. By the statement, “matter occupies space,” it is generally understood that space is fixed like a container and matter occupies that container. But there is no complete consensus about space.