What do you call a person who replies?

What do you call a person who replies?

respondent Add to list Share. A respondent is a person who answers a question, letter, email message, survey, or anything else that requires a response. You can see the word respond, which means “answer or reply to” in respondent.

What do you call someone who posted something?

A person who posts a message in a forum is a “poster.”

What is the meaning of Respondence?

Definition of respondence : the act of responding : the quality or state of being respondent : answering, response also : correspondence, agreement.

What is a sharer?

Definitions of sharer. someone who has or gives or receives a part or a share. synonyms: partaker. types: pooler. someone who shares in and contributes to a general fund for use by all.

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How do I stop replies on YouTube?

Manage comment notifications Go to www.youtube.com and sign in to your account. On the left, click Notifications to get to your account notifications. Next to “Your preferences,” choose whether you’re told about activity on your channel and comments, including likes and replies.

How do you reply to a comment on Facebook privately?

To reply to a comment in a private message:

  1. From your News Feed, click Pages in the left menu.
  2. Go to your Page, then go to the comment.
  3. Go to the comment.
  4. Click Message below the comment.
  5. Enter your message and click Send.

How do you reply to people’s comments on Facebook?

To get started, simply open the Facebook page and select Reply underneath the comment you would like to respond to. Type your reply and then click Enter. Your reply will now be displayed in the comments section for all to see.

What do you call the person who comments on a post?

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The correct English is to say “the person who made the comment”. A “commentator is a person who describes an event on the radio or television”. There is no such word as “commenter”. What do I call a person who posts content, one who comments and one who replies to a comment? I generally call them an Answerer, a commenter, and a commenter.

Who is a commenter in wiki?

Answer Wiki. Commenter is someone who expresses an opinion or engages oneself in discussion related to any issue, he is the one who respond to an article or blog post. It is the commenter who makes isolated remark and an isolated remark is nothing but a “comment”.

Is it correct to say “the person who made the comment”?

The correct English is to say “the person who made the comment”. A “commentator is a person who describes an event on the radio or television”. There is no such word as “commenter”.

How do I allow members to comment and reply to messages?

Select your channel and click on More Options. Then go to Settings. Click on Member permissions. This is where you can allow or block various actions, including the ability to comment and reply to messages. Uncheck the box that says Allow members to reply to channel messages.