
What do you do when an invitation says no gifts?

What do you do when an invitation says no gifts?

What to do when an invitation says “no gifts please”

  1. Respect their wishes. Seriously.
  2. Consider bringing a fruit & veggie tray or Drinks.
  3. Donate in the child’s name.
  4. Take a card.
  5. Get a gift card for the parents.
  6. Ask if pass would be acceptable.
  7. Make a wishing tree.
  8. Get a gift card to a local child-friendly hangout.

What does no gifts please really mean wedding?

If the wedding invitation specified “no gifts”, then it means that the bride and groom don’t want any gifts. You’re respecting their wishes. If other guests bring gifts, that’s on them, not on you.

Can you put no gifts on a wedding invitation?

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According to, it is not proper wedding etiquette to list “No gifts, please” on a wedding invitation. They state, “The moment you mention gifts, you put an emphasis on gifts, which is the opposite of your intent.” Your presence is the best gift you could bring.” “Your presence is a gift in itself.”

Is it rude to say no gifts on an invitation?

So if no gifts are expected at your party, it’s pretty much necessary to say so. And if you are the recipient of an invitation asking you not to bring a gift, it’s polite to honor the wishes of the host. Don’t bring a gift. In this case, doing so is impolite.

Is it OK to say no gifts on an invitation?

How do you write no gifts on an invitation?

Suggested Wording for Invitations

  1. Your presence is the only gift we need.
  2. Please, no gifts. Consider a donation instead.
  3. The gift of your presence is enough! No presents, please.
  4. Instead of a gift, please consider donating to…
  5. Please, no gifts!
  6. Your presence is gift enough.
  7. Your gift of time is present enough.
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What happens if you invite someone to a wedding without a gift?

An invitation to a wedding is not a quid pro quo situation: Just because you invited someone does not mean they owe you a gift. Nonetheless, when no wedding gift is received from a guest, it’s an awkward (not to mention hurtful) situation.

What do you do when a guest doesn’t give a gift?

The best thing to do, then, is send a thank you card to the wedding guests who didn’t give a gift and thank them for their presence at the wedding. Personalize it and make it very specific (there is nothing worse than a generic thank you note).

What to say when an invitation says no gifts please?

Six tips when an invitation says “no gifts please”. When it comes to a dinner party, she says, it’s always polite to bring a small gift such as flowers, chocolate, a plant, wine, cocktail napkins, candles, stationary, or a coffee table book. “Be thoughtful when you are choosing a gift,” she says.

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Do you have to give a gift if someone doesn’t give you?

At this point, it’s pretty much safe to say the wedding guests who didn’t give you a gift just aren’t going to. While, technically, you could bring it up with them, it is best to not. The bottom line is this: you are not owed a gift.