
What do you do when your best guy friend falls in love with you?

What do you do when your best guy friend falls in love with you?

02/8​Be honest It is really important to be honest to your friend. Confess to your friend that you do not have similar feelings for him. Tell him that you cherish your friendship and do not want anything to impact the bond. Make sure you do not sound rude or angry when you talk to him.

Do guys fall in love with their girl best friends?

Men report more sexual interest in their female friends than their female friends do in them, and men are also more likely than women to overestimate how romantically interested their friends are in them. In most cases, sexual attraction within a friendship is seen as more of a burden than a benefit, the study finds.

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What if you have feelings for your best friend?

If you’ve started harboring feelings beyond friendship, make sure those feelings are truly rooted in attraction. Being friends with someone already means that you care about them way more than the average person, so it’s worth checking in with yourself to ensure that those romantic feelings really are there.

What should I do if my boyfriend confesses his feelings to me?

If his confession makes you feel uncomfortable, let him know that too; and stick to whatever decision the two of you make for how your relationship will move forward in the future – or not, as the case may be.

How do I break up with a friend who I Love?

It isn’t fair that you lose a friend for something you can’t help but that’s the truth. First express your feelings clearly to him/her. Tell him you don’t reciprocate any feeling and won’t have any such feeling in future. Tell him this as clearly as you can.

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What to say to a guy who doesn’t return your feelings?

If you feel that it’s possible that your feelings might change in time, there’s that. If he feels that it’s impossible for him to remain friends with you given your lack of current returned affections, give him You could say: I compliment you on your excellent taste. But that would be rude, even if true.

What should I do if my boyfriend doesn’t reciprocate my feelings?

First express your feelings clearly to him/her. Tell him you don’t reciprocate any feeling and won’t have any such feeling in future. Tell him this as clearly as you can. He may get hurt but eventually will get back to normal behavior with you. Accept that it may take time and give him space.
