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What do you do with an expensive unwanted gift?

What do you do with an expensive unwanted gift?

The more specific you are, the more likely the gift will be loved/used. Suggest a cap on spending for future gifts. Write a wish list for each other. Give your loved ones some suggestions in case people ask them for ideas.

Can you return expensive gifts?

You can always return an item for cash or store credit within the exchange window with a receipt, but consider whether the value of the gift will increase over time. “An angry family member might not be something that’s worth returning or cashing out an expensive gift over,” said Boneparth.

How do you reject an expensive gift?

You don’t have to accept anything you perceive as a burden that will make you feel bad in the future. Be kind and thankful to the giver but also be honest. Tell a person why you don’t want to accept a gift and why you think it’s too much. It will be okay, just be open and ready to discuss the topic.

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What do you say when you return a gift of money?

Thank you for your note and I am sorry to hear of your loss. This is no doubt a difficult and emotional time for all concerned, so – as you no doubt realize – it is especially important to tread carefully and consider everyone’s feelings in your response.

How do you say thank you for a very expensive gift?

I so appreciate your gesture of sending me this lovely gift. Thank you so much for your generosity. I know you spent a lot of time picking out the perfect gift for me and I feel blessed to have such a thoughtful friend in my life. This thank you note does not do any justice for the beautiful gift you gave me.

Should you accept expensive gifts from others?

In most cases accepting expensive gifts from someone you have just met and do not fully know is to be treated with extreme caution. Some cases have shown those who seem incredibly generous with gifts are actually deeply controlling in relationships and looking to create obligations.

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Should you return a gift?

Fortunately the answer to that is rather simple, it’s when you probe into why a gift should be returned that things can get murky. First, tackling the easy part of the dilemma, saying no thank you. That really is all you have to to do.

Do expensive gifts go back to the giver?

In the olden days etiquette dictated that expensive gifts went back to the giver if they were “romantic” in nature–right down to love letters so that, if need be, they could be burned by the writer. Nowadays this has become less cut & dry. Although, even way back in the 1600’s this was cause for debate (see 32 Questions on Love here ).

How do you deal with declining gifts?

Declining gifts can be part of setting healthy boundaries in life, for more on this watch this video by one of my favorite YouTuber’s, holistic psychotherapist Victoria Lorient-Faibish. Another help is etiquette itself which can act as a buffer to situations that can turn very bad later on.