What do you mean by potable water and palatable water?

What do you mean by potable water and palatable water?

The term potable water is also sometimes used; ‘potable’ means safe to drink. A related but different term is palatable water, which means water that is pleasant to drink.

What do you mean by portable water?

Potable water, also known as drinking water, comes from surface and ground sources and is treated to levels that that meet state and federal standards for consumption. Water from natural sources is treated for microorganisms, bacteria, toxic chemicals, viruses and fecal matter.

What is the meaning of palatable water?

palatable (PAL-uh-tuh-bull) Water at a desirable temperature that is free from objectionable tastes, odors, colors, and turbidity.

What is the meaning of wholesome water?

‘Wholesome’ water is fit to use for drinking, cooking, food preparation or washing without any potential danger to human health by meeting the requirements of regulations made under Section 67 (Standards of Wholesomeness) of the Water Act 1991.

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What do you mean by palatable?

Definition of palatable 1 : agreeable to the palate or taste The restaurant’s chicken dishes are quite palatable. 2 : agreeable or acceptable to the mind attempted to make physics palatable to a broader range of students.

Why is it called potable water?

Why is it Called Potable Water? Potable comes from the Latin potare, meaning “to drink.” The Romans came up with the word and built some of the world’s first aqueducts, above-ground channels that brought potable water from the mountains to the cities.

What is raw water used for?

Raw water can be used for many purposes, such as cooling water, water for rinsing and chemical production, purified water, and drinking water. However, due to the possible contaminants, raw water must be treated before it is allowed for human consumption or industrial use.

What is the difference between wholesome water and palatable water?

Potable water is not ‘pure’ water (such as distilled water) but will include dissolved ‘impurities’ that are not harmful to health. Wholesome water is defined as water complying with the requirements of regulations made under Section 67 (Standards of wholesomeness) of the Water Industry Act 1991.

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What is palatable base?

Something that is palatable is acceptable to one’s sense of taste—literally or figuratively. And, while palatable can mean pleasing or agreeable, it generally means merely tolerable—edible, rather than delicious.

How is palatability measured?

Palatability can be measured as the subjective preference for a food, its subjective pleasantness, or indeed the amount (in grams) of a food a subject eats. The relative palatability of a food can be determined by choice tests or taste tests relative to other standard ingestants (e.g., the 5\% sugar solution).

What is the difference between palatable water and potable water?

Pradip Chaudhary, potable water is safe to drink no matter how it tastes or looks, but palatable water tastes good and looks good. WARNING: Just because it tastes good (palatable), you have no guarantee that it is safe to drink (potable). Palatable water is not necessarily potable.

What is the difference between ‘wholesome water’ and ‘potable water’?

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As you may have already guessed, there isn’t a real difference. More generally, ‘potable water’ refers to water that is safe—while not necessarily pleasant to drink. ‘Wholesome’ water means nothing. Where I am, it’s at least required by law to adhere to the standards for potable water if it’s sold for human consumptio

Where does potable water come from?

Potable water, also known as drinking water, comes from surface and ground sources and is treated to levels that that meet state and federal standards for consumption. Water from natural sources is treated for microorganisms, bacteria, toxic chemicals, viruses and fecal matter.

What are the uses of potable water?

Mark Keyashian, in Fermentation and Biochemical Engineering Handbook (Third Edition), 2014 Potable water, also called drinking or tap water, is used for sanitary purposes such as drinking fountains, showers, toilets, hand-wash basins, cooking, etc.