
What do you put on the bottom of a hedgehog cage?

What do you put on the bottom of a hedgehog cage?

What do you put on the bottom of a hedgehog cage? A hedgehog cage needs bedding made from fabric or wood-based or paper-based on the bottom of the cage to not only provide some insulation against the cold of the cage floor but also to provide an easy way of collecting their fecal matter and urine.

Can you use blankets as bedding for hedgehogs?

Many hedgehog hobbyists prefer to use Vellux blankets (found in the bedding section of Wal-Mart or similar store) in the bottom of hedgie cages as an alternative to bedding. One vellux blanket can be cut into several small pieces to fit the size of the hedgehog’s cage.

Is straw or hay better for hedgehogs?

Q: Why is hay more suitable than straw for use as hedgehog bedding? A: Hay is made from soft grass, which the hogs will natuarally collect for bedding. Straw is hard and brittle which can splinter into sharp edges.

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Can hedgehogs have blankets?

The best hedgehog bedding options include fabric bedding, shredded paper, old newspapers, certain litter pellets to wood shavings like pine. Some bedding can be toxic like cedar wood shavings, whilst others can be dusty, cause irritation or be eaten by hedgehogs.

Is fleece or bedding better for hedgehogs?

Ideal cages will be spacious, well ventilated and easy to clean. Fleece Flippers or Cages Liners from Guinea Pig Market give you soft, absorbent bedding which is easy to clean and maintain. Fleece is the bedding of choice for hedgehog owners!

Do hedgehogs need a heat lamp?

Hedgehogs need a heat lamp called a ceramic heat emitter (CHE) to keep warm, as they explore and feed in their cage. The CHE only emits heat and not light, as any light at night could confuse hedgehogs into thinking it was day time, stopping them from coming out to feed.

Do hedgehogs need chew toys?

Do hedgehogs need chew toys? No, not really, but if you have a hedgehog who likes to chew (most aren’t bothered) then you can provide chewable toys to keep them happy. You will also need to be careful about giving toys with small parts (like the Hot Wheels cars) or that are easily destroyed (like the pompom balls).

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Do hedgehogs like rain?

Like the rest of us, hedgehogs prefer warm, dry weather.

Do hedgehogs need a wheel?

Hedgehogs require a wheel because they love to run and can actually run up to 12 miles at 12 MPH! But, you have to be careful when choosing a wheel. There is proof that some hedgehog exercise wheels cause injury to backs, legs, and feet. To avoid that, a good wheel should be 10.5″ or 12″ in diameter.

What toys can hedgehog have?

  • Exercise Wheels. Your hedgie will enjoy having an exercise wheel in his cage.
  • Mazes. Hedgehogs love to play in mazes.
  • Cat Toys. Some cat toys are appropriate for hedgehogs.
  • Boxes. Tissue boxes and other small boxes may be fine for your hedgehogs.
  • Tube Tunnels.
  • Stuffed Animals.
  • Toy Dump Trucks.

Should I put bedding in my hedgehog house?

Hedgehogs will make their own nests from materials in the surrounding environment so the best thing to do is ensure there are plenty of leaves near to the box. You can also put bedding inside the box to give them a head start, such as leaves, straw or hay.

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What kind of bedding should I use for my Hedgehog?

The best bedding for a hedgehog’s cage is recycled paper litter or aspen shavings. Via The Reptilarium/Flickr. The best bedding for a hedgehog’s cage is recycled paper litter or aspen shavings. Hedgehogs enjoy burrowing into this soft bedding, which is absorbent and helps control cage odors.

What is the best Hedgehog cage?

Best Hedgehog Cage. A good and modern hedgehog home should be chew-proof, spacious and ventilated. It should also contain bedding, water container, toys, treats, food container and litter box with artificial or natural litter. The bedding selected should be less dusty, non-toxic, absorbent and several inches deep.

What is the best temperature for hedgehogs?

Always keep a thermometer near your hedgehogs cage to monitor the temperature daily. The temperature of the room should stay between 72 – 80 degrees Fahrenheit at all times. With 74 – 78 degrees is the ideal temperature for a pet hedgehog.

What do hedgehogs like to sleep in?

Hedgehogs sleep for a large portion of the day under bushes, grasses, rocks, or most commonly in dens dug in the ground, with varying habits among the species. All wild hedgehogs can hibernate, though not all do, depending on temperature, species, and abundance of food.