What do you say to a colleagues sick child?

What do you say to a colleagues sick child?

Especially when an illness is serious or life-threatening, a simple statement of your thoughts can feel very appropriate.

  1. I am incredibly sorry to hear that you are unwell.
  2. I was so sorry to hear about your diagnosis.
  3. We hope you’re taking it slow and easy right now.
  4. You mean a lot to me.

What do you say to parents of sick babies?

DO let them know you care. DON’T try to ‘fix’ anything. Lucille really appreciated when friends got in touch. She said the best way for her was when they sent a simple text message along the lines of: “No need to reply, just saying congratulations and I’m here for you if you need anything.”

How do you respond to news of illness?

Common Expressions:

  1. I’m so sorry to hear that!
  2. What awful news! I’m sorry.
  3. I’m sorry to hear such terrible news.
  4. I’m very sorry – that must be awful/frustrating/scary/difficult.
  5. If there’s anything I can do, just let me know.
  6. I really don’t know what to say, I can’t believe it. I’m very sorry.
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How do you comfort a sick child?

Fighting Kids’ Cold & Flu Symptoms: Fever Relief

  1. As with colds, let your child get plenty of fluids and rest.
  2. Keep the room temperature cool (between 70° and 74° F).
  3. Dress your child in lightweight pajamas.
  4. Encourage your child to drink extra fluids, popsicles, and gelatin to stay hydrated.

What do you write to a sick child?

We recommend that you write uplifting messages such as:

  • Stay strong.
  • You are awesome.
  • Never forget how amazing YOU are.
  • You rock.
  • I hope you have a great day today.
  • You shine brighter than the sun.
  • You inspire me.
  • Be Brave.

How do you respond to health?

  1. If you want to be polite and gracious, you could say: “Thank you for your concern,” or “I appreciate your concern.”
  2. If you want to be rude, you can say just about anything—make up some fake illness and go on and on talking about it until he is bored to death.

How do you comfort a sick girl?

If the person you care about most is feeling crappy, then you probably can’t help but feel their pain. There are plenty of things you can do to make an ailing SO feel better — like bring them soup, watch their favorite movies with them, or give them a foot massage — but sometimes even a simple text can make them smile.

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What do you write in a card for a sick child?

We recommend that you write uplifting messages such as:

  1. Stay strong.
  2. You are awesome.
  3. Never forget how amazing YOU are.
  4. You rock.
  5. I hope you have a great day today.
  6. You shine brighter than the sun.
  7. You inspire me.
  8. Be Brave.

What do you say to a serious illness?

10 Things to say to someone with a chronic illness

  • I wish I knew what to say, but I care and I’m here for you.
  • I believe you.
  • Can I bring you food?
  • I know how hard you’re trying.
  • Don’t feel bad if you have to cancel plans at the last minute, I understand.

How do you respond when a child is ill?

Respond the same way you would if anyone is sick. Tell them that you’re sorry to hear that the child is ill and you wish them a speedy recovery. If you are willing and able to help in any way and you are feeling generous, let them know that they can call of you in this time of need.

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How do you deal with a parent with a sick child?

A parent of a sick child wants you to listen to their thoughts and fears. No matter how dark. Don’t simplify or justify their concerns. And be mindful of complaining about trivial issues in your own life.

How do you talk to someone who is sick?

When you’re with the person who is sick and are talking to them face to face, it’s a different ball game. You’re no more texting from far away but right there with them and you will need to hold their gaze and speak reassuringly to them as they recover. 1. (Hold their hands) Hey.

What do you say when someone is sick with a card?

When someone is seriously ill or even just a bit under the weather, a Get Well card can brighten an otherwise crummy day. But what do you say besides, well, “Get Well Soon?” Your wishes might be short or long, but the best get well cards generally include comforting words for a sick person using messages with three parts: 1.