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What do you say to a girl after she accepts your proposal?

What do you say to a girl after she accepts your proposal?

Once she gladly accepts your proposal, these are the things you need to do.

  • Say thank you. You already said your words before popping the question.
  • Feel the moment. You don’t need to discuss what to do next or how to celebrate.
  • Celebrate with friends.
  • Don’t rush.

Do you kiss or hug after proposing?

Kissing while proposing So, don’t try to kiss the person or hug him/her unless the other person gives you the consent.

What should I write in a proposal message for a girl?

Miscellaneous sample of proposal messages for girl: “Life is good when it is with you and arguments, fighting and disagreements, I accept everything when you are with me. Because I know I love you and no one in the world can replace you.”. “Some say love is a feeling, some say love is a dream, but for me love is you.

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How to propose a girl without knowing the answer?

If you want to propose a girl, but don’t know the answer, then send her a message that says very sweetly you are in love with her. Express your emotion in the words in a very romantic manner. Your message should be such that indirectly propose her. “Other than you, if I say I love you to another girl, it would be our daughter.

How to propose love to a girl through text messages?

Proposing love to a girl is a difficult thing and a sweet message can express your feelings to your loved one. Write down a loving text message that opens up your heart to him. Your words should be heart touching.

How to propose for a girl for the friendship?

Proposing for a girl for the friendship with a message is a great idea. Present your emotion as a friend to her through the words. A sweet and loving message brings a joy of life. “Friend is one who always stands by your side to support you, who always hold your hand in any situation, who cry with you and laugh with you.