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What do you say to someone who is struggling with faith?

What do you say to someone who is struggling with faith?

Here are five things you can say that’ll help your friend move past his or her struggles while still keeping the friendship strong.

  • “God works in mysterious ways”
  • “There’s always prayer”
  • “Your church leader may have answers”
  • “I bet there’s something for this online”
  • “Not everyone believes the same way”

How can I help someone turn to God?

Every person encounters challenges to their faith. Many believers experience closeness to God until they allow sin into their lives….But there is always a way back to God’s love.

  1. Don’t Forget Prayer.
  2. Read the Scriptures.
  3. Put Your Faith in God First.
  4. Start a Blessing Book.
  5. Be Humble with God.
  6. Avoid Cynicism.
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What is the meaning of you Cannot believe in God until you believe in yourself?

God is said to be the life inside us. So, if we hurt ourselves, or do not believe in ourselves then, we simply aren’t believing in God. If we think that we are on earth by chance and not for a purpose then also, we will lose faith in ourselves.

How do you deal with losing your faith?

Share your feelings with a compassionate and trustworthy person who will understand your disillusionment and doubts and not impose their own beliefs on you. Try not to “rebound” towards an alternative belief system straight away, to fill the gap. Give yourself time to re-evaluate your needs.

How do you give someone faith?

How to Help a Friend Grow in Their Faith

  1. Uplifting Scripture. The Bible can help you encourage your friend in their faith, even if you’re not sure how to help or what to say.
  2. Prayer.
  3. Enjoying Nature.
  4. Cards and Letters.
  5. Worshipping Together.
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Can you control everything without believing in God?

Even if you hold absolutely no belief in God or want to call anything your higher power, the important thing to remember is that you cannot control everything nor should you try. The steps are there to help you live a better, healthier life.

What did Jesus say about those who do not believe in him?

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.

Does accepting God work?

For some people, accepting God works and for others, they choose not to. If you truly think religion is something that could make or break your decision of going, try to first feel out the meetings.

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How can I get my Cousin to believe in Jesus Christ?

Make sure of your own commitment to Jesus Christ, who came into the world to demonstrate God’s reality—and also His love. Then ask God to help you point others—including your cousin—to the freedom and hope they can have in Christ. They may not believe your arguments—but they can’t deny the reality of Christ’s power to change your life.