Tips and tricks

What do you say to someone who just used you for sex?

What do you say to someone who just used you for sex?

When you want to continue the relationship

  • 01“There’s more to me than what’s between my legs.
  • 02“When are you going to be real with yourself?
  • 03“Hey, my friend had her baby last night.
  • 04“If you want a sex doll so badly, go buy one!”
  • 05“Imagine using someone for sex for so long and not being able to master it!

How do you overcome being used by a man?


  1. Choose to accept what happened between the two of you, then choose to not let him have any more power over you or your emotions. Stop holding on to the hurt and allow yourself to start healing.
  2. You may never choose to tell him you forgive him, but remember that forgiving him is for you, not for him.
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What to do when a guy only wants to see you?

There are several things you can do when a guy only wants to see you for just one thing. Most women believe that they can easily recognize these guys, they think… If a man uses me for sex: Sometimes it can be that easy… But sometimes the guy is better at hiding his true intentions and won’t easily let you in on his true feelings about you.

What should I do if my boyfriend only wants sex?

Stop contacting him. If someone is clearly only using you for sex, you should not keep reaching out to them. If more of a relationship was going to develop, it would have by now. Once you realize you’re not getting what you want from a situation, stop contacting the person in question.

What to do when a Guy rejects you?

Allow yourself to experience your feelings. No one likes to feel bad after being rejected; however, it’s impossible to bounce back from being hurt without experiencing some negativity. In the wake of ceasing contact with the guy, allow yourself to feel your feelings instead or denying or trying to bury them.

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How do I get over a guy who never returned my feelings?

It’s hard to accept that the feelings you had for someone were not necessarily returned. To get over a guy, start by limiting contact. Stop calling, texting, and emailing. Manage your emotions. Allow yourself to grieve, but remember it’s not your fault if someone did not want the same type of relationship you did.