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What do you think is the secret to or element of a lasting marriage?

What do you think is the secret to or element of a lasting marriage?

It might sound like a cliché, but Pillemer finds constant communication is the key to a lasting relationship. Before you get married, discuss your values and make sure they’re compatible. Then, once you’re married, communicate when you’re happy and unhappy, what feels good and what doesn’t, what turns you on and off.

What are the secrets to a successful relationship?

100 Couples Share Their Secrets to a Successful Relationship

  • Start by choosing the right partner.
  • Remember that trust and respect go hand-in-hand.
  • Follow the 80/20 rule.
  • Answer your partner’s bids.
  • Listening is an underrated skill.
  • Keep each other intellectually stimulated.
  • Stop being petty.

What does it take to have a long lasting marriage?

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Ever looked at a happy older married couple and wondered what their secret is? While no two marriages are the same, research shows that all happy, long-lasting marriages share the same five basic traits: communication, commitment, kindness, acceptance, and love.

What makes for a long lasting relationship?

The four Cs (communication, compromise, connection, and commitment) are important, but there are many other factors that contribute to the health of an enduring romantic bond. Consider these additional secrets to a long-lasting relationship: Focus on having fun and making good memories together.

How have a successful long lasting relationship?

Six Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Long-Term Relationship

  1. Compromise. Early in relationships, things tend to be more of a 50/50 split.
  2. Be open and honest about your feelings.
  3. Know that nobody ever “wins” an argument.
  4. Understand how your partner expresses love.
  5. Refuse to use the silent treatment.
  6. Give them space.

What is the secret of long marriage?

Trust fully in your spouse Trust is a major indicator of a resilient marriage and one of the most important things to keep strong in a marriage. If trust is broken or taken away, long-term work will have to be put in to redeem the relationship, and the trust may never come back.