Tips and tricks

What does a Google Alert tell you?

What does a Google Alert tell you?

Google Alerts is a content change detection and notification service, offered by the search engine company Google. The service sends emails to the user when it finds new results—such as web pages, newspaper articles, blogs, or scientific research—that match the user’s search term(s).

Can people see when you search them on Facebook?

Your Facebook searches are private. If you look up someone’s profile or they look up yours, none is the wiser. Facebook is very clear on the matter: “Facebook users cannot track who has viewed their personal homepage. Third-party applications also cannot provide this feature.”

Can someone tell if you search them on Facebook?

Can you tell if someone searches you?

There is no way to know who searched for you, so the smart option is to manage all interest in you. Five options are open to people trying to find you: Google Alerts. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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What happens if you search your name?

In a post on Medium, he says the likely reason is because Google will search for your name in a number of databases to try and find the correct results. If it can’t find your name, it will make a guess using another name close to the one you used. If someone is not in the database, you often get results anyway.

Do you get notified when you follow someone on Facebook?

Yes, when you follow a public figure or a non-friend, a notification will be send to them. No, unfollowing or re-following any friend will not send notification to that person. What does it mean to follow someone or a Page?

Do people see when you search for their name on Google?

Then the answer is No. Only if you hit ‘Enter’ OR you put a generic search term in the ‘Search Bar’ and press ‘Enter’ AND their name comes up in the search results will they see they have appeared in xxx # of searches

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Can I search for someone on LinkedIn who has viewed me?

If your LinkedIn is set to show the people that you’ve viewed their profile, then yes. Just change that setting and then you can search for them directly from LinkedIn. But you won’t be able to see who’s viewed your profile either.

Should I alert the police if I’m trying to track my Phone?

I would suggest alerting them is the least of your concerns. They should not be surprised you are trying to track the phone. You had a chance to add another trusted phone number for this very situation. When you set up 2FA you were given the opportunity to select more than one way of receiving the code.