What does a Red Triangle mean?

What does a Red Triangle mean?

Red triangle (badge), a Nazi concentration camp badge worn upright by prisoners of war, and worn inverted for political prisoners.

Why is it called the Red Triangle?

“This is the area with the highest concentration of white sharks in the northeastern Pacific probably,” Jorgensen says. This area is sometimes called the Red Triangle because, if you look on a map, it makes a triangle. “Supposedly it refers to all the blood in the water,” says Jorgensen. He means seal blood.

What does Red Triangle with exclamation point mean?

In Android, the red triangle symbol with an exclamation mark means that you’ve initiated the process of taking commands from your computer to the Android device. It also means that you’re one step away from booting into recovery.

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Is Santa Cruz part of the Red Triangle?

Santa Cruz sits within the so-called Red Triangle, a stretch of water from Bodega Bay north of San Francisco to Big Sur and out to the Farallon Islands. The Red Triangle is a cruising ground for the great white shark, one of nature’s most feared predators.

Is Bodega Bay in the Red Triangle?

The Red Triangle is the colloquial name of a roughly triangle-shaped region off the coast of northern California, extending from Bodega Bay, north of San Francisco, out slightly beyond the Farallon Islands, and down to the Big Sur region, south of Monterey.

Are there sharks in the SF Bay?

Sharks of San Franscisco Bay Area Around 11 species of Sharks are found in the Bay itself – including Leopard Shark, Pacific Angel Shark, Brown Smoothhound, Broadnose Sevengill, Soupfin Shark. The Leopard Shark is the most common in the Bay. Small Spiny Dogfish are found swimming on the bottom of the Bay.

What does a red triangle mean on a Prius?

If You happen to see a red triangle light come on at Your dash in Your Toyota Prius that is its version of a standard check engine light. The red triangle warning light on a toyota prius is the check engine light and should be brought to a dealership, it could range from low oil pressure to something more serious.

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What does a triangle with an in it mean?

Your phone may display an exclamation mark in a triangle on a black screen. This screen is called recovery mode, and is usually accessed from the bootloader menu on an Android device. Select Power Off and wait for the phone to fully turn off.

Is Bodega Bay in the red triangle?

Are there sharks in Norcal?

But white sharks still face threats. They live along the Northern California coast from September to February, then swim 1,500 miles each way to an area between Hawaii and Mexico called “the Shark Cafe,” where they congregate, eat and are believed to mate.

What does a red and white triangular sign mean?

A red and white triangular sign at an intersection means Slow down if an emergency vehicle is approaching. Look both ways as you cross the intersection. Always come to a full stop at the intersection. Slow down and be prepared to stop if necessary.

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What does an upside down triangle sign mean?

The triangle can mean things that are polar opposites. The upside down triangle is female, lunar, passive, and symbolizes Mother . The right side up triangle is male, solar, active, and symbolizes Father.

What does a triangle sign mean on the road?

The meaning of the shape of road signs An octagon road sign conveys the need to stop. An upside down triangle road sign always means “yield.” Diamond-shaped road signs always warn of possible hazards ahead. Pennant-shaped road signs warn drivers of no passing zones. Round-shaped road signs are used for railroad signs.

What is the Red Triangle in California?

Red Triangle (Pacific Ocean) The Red Triangle is the colloquial name of a roughly triangle-shaped region off the coast of northern California , extending from Bodega Bay, north of San Francisco, out slightly beyond the Farallon Islands , and down to the Big Sur region, south of Monterey .