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What does an employer need for a TN visa?

What does an employer need for a TN visa?

To qualify for TN visa status, you must have an offer of employment from a U.S. company to work in a profession that is listed on the NAFTA occupations list. Your employer in the United States must require someone in your professional capacity for the position.

Does a company need to sponsor TN visa?

While there is no set limit to the number of renewals, TN visas are temporary visas, which means that these visa holders should be able to demonstrate a clear intent to leave upon their visa’s expiration. Unlike the H-1B visa, the TN visa doesn’t require sponsorship or petition by an employer.

How much does it cost an employer to sponsor a TN visa?

Premium processing: Employers can pay the $2,500 premium processing fee when available, and USCIS will adjudicate the TN petition within 15 calendar days. This means USCIS will approve, issue a request for evidence or deny the visa petition.

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How do I hire someone with a TN visa?

No Recruitment Necessary – In order to hire an employee in TN visa status, you simply need to show that your employee will be working in a qualifying TN NAFTA profession, will be performing duties consistent with the NAFTA profession, and that the employee qualifies for the NAFTA profession.

Is TN visa employer specific?

A. TN status is employer-specific, meaning NAFTA TN visa holders can work only for the U.S. employer listed on the TN application. Working for an employer different from the one listed in the TN application is a violation of U.S. immigration laws.

How hard is it to get a TN visa?

If you are not properly prepared and do not have the necessary supporting documents, it can be difficult to get a TN visa. The best way to ensure the TN Visa application process is as easy and straightforward as possible is to seek the advice of a qualified TN Visa Lawyer. We have hundreds of 5 star client reviews.

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Do I need a job offer for TN visa?

You must have a job offer from a U.S. employer before applying for TN status. You cannot apply on your own without such an offer of employment. The TN visa was originally created under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between Canada, U.S. and Mexico.

Can you switch employers on TN visa?

TN visa workers cannot begin employment with a new or additional employer until they receive authorization from U.S. immigration authorities. 8 CFR 214.6 (i). TN visa workers can change employers by mail using form I-129 in the same manner as if filing for an extension of status.

What are the requirements for a TN1 visa?

TN (TN1) Visa Requirements 1 You are a Canadian, Mexican or U.S. citizen 2 The job qualifies under NAFTA as listed in NAFTA Appendix 1603.D (NAFTA Job List) 3 You are qualified to work in this business activity 4 You have been offered a job by a U.S., Canadian, or Mexican employer 5 Your intention to stay is temporary in nature.

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Does a TN visa require sponsorship?

As a Canadian who spent over 10 years on a TN visa, I am intimately familiar with the significant challenges associated with trying to convince employers that a TN visa does not require sponsorship. For one applicant, we wrote the following email to the employer to explain the common misconception regarding “sponsorship” and share it here.

What is a TN visa for Canada?

The TN visa though is a visa that a Canadian can get at the border as they cross by showing the U.S. government an offer letter from the company. The company does not have to file a petition and is not subject to any reporting or other compliance requirements.

How do I get a TN1 visa under NAFTA?

TN (TN1) Visa Requirements To qualify as a professional under NAFTA you must meet the following basic TN Visa requirements: You are a Canadian, Mexican or U.S. citizen; The job qualifies under NAFTA as listed in NAFTA Appendix 1603.D (NAFTA Job List) You are qualified to work in this business activity