
What does Apollo do for GraphQL?

What does Apollo do for GraphQL?

Apollo Client is a comprehensive state management library for JavaScript that enables you to manage both local and remote data with GraphQL. Use it to fetch, cache, and modify application data, all while automatically updating your UI.

Should I use Apollo with GraphQL?

Apollo provides a whole lot of open-source libraries that are extremely helpful in implementing GraphQL for JavaScript applications. The Apollo Link library provides us with an API that can “link” different features into the GraphQL control flow.

What’s a major benefit of using a GraphQL Client library?

One major benefit of GraphQL is that it allows you to fetch and update data in a declarative manner. Put differently, we climb up one step higher on the API abstraction ladder and don’t have to deal with low-level networking tasks ourselves anymore.

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What is a typical benefit of a Client using a GraphQL API over a REST API?

GraphQL offers many benefits over REST APIs. One of the main benefits is clients have the ability to dictate exactly what they need from the server, and receive that data in a predictable way.

Who uses Apollo?

Who uses Apollo? 390 companies reportedly use Apollo in their tech stacks, including The New York Times, Stack, and

How do you use Apollo client in React?

To connect Apollo Client to React, you will need to use the ApolloProvider component exported from @apollo/react-hooks . The ApolloProvider is similar to React’s Context. Provider . It wraps your React app and places the client on the context, which allows you to access it from anywhere in your component tree.

What is Apollo What are the advantages of Apollo?

GraphQL and Apollo help you ship features faster Distinct front-end clients for multiple platforms (web, iOS, etc.), each with different data requirements. A backend that serves data to clients from multiple sources (Postgres, Redis, etc.) Complex state and cache management for both the frontend and the backend.

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What is GraphQL advantage?

The main advantage of GraphQl over REST is that REST responses contain too much data or sometimes not enough data, which creates the need for another request. GraphQL solves this problem by fetching only the exact and specific data in a single request.

How does GraphQL improve performance?

GraphQL solves all performance issues A GraphQL API (server) implementation, out of the box, will have better performance than a standard REST API – for the clients. Since resolvers are called in parallel, data will load faster.

Why do we need Apollo?

How do I use Apollo redux client in react?

If you want to use your Redux and Apollo state in a component, you need to use both graphql from react-apollo and connect from react-redux. This will let you better track the different events that happen in your app, and how your client and server side data changes interleave.

What is Apollo GraphQL client?

Apollo Client is the best way to use GraphQL to build client applications. The client is designed to help developer quickly build a UI that fetches data with GraphQL and can be used with any JavaScript front-end.

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What is apolloapollo client?

Apollo Client is the best way to use GraphQL to build client applications. The client is designed to help developer quickly build a UI that fetches data with GraphQL and can be used with any JavaScript front-end. Apollo Client supports the following platforms −

What is the difference between Apollo client and Apollo boost?

The client is designed to help developer quickly build a UI that fetches data with GraphQL and can be used with any JavaScript front-end. Caching is one of the major features of Apollo Client. apollo-boost is a convenience package which brings in a bunch of other dependencies.

How to load students from GraphQL server in react application?

The loadStudentsAsync function uses graphql client to query the server. You only need to keep the index.js in src folder and index.html in public folder; all other files that are auto generated can be removed. The react application will load students from GraphQL server, once we click on loadStudents button as shown below −