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What does Christian conscience mean?

What does Christian conscience mean?

Some Christians believe that the conscience is the voice of God. God is speaking to individuals, guiding them to do the right thing in a given situation. Conscience can be described a moral sense of right and wrong. An individual can educate their conscience through prayer, scripture and experience. …

What does God mean when he says repent?

When Jesus said “Repent,” He was talking about a change of heart toward sin, the world, and God; an inner change that gives rise to new ways of living that exalt Christ and give evidence of the truth of the gospel.

What is the difference between conscience and conviction?

Conscientious conviction consists in sincere communi- cative conviction. Conscience, by contrast, is the capacity for genuine moral responsive- ness. The key difference between the two is that a judgement or act of conscience must track moral reality whereas a conscientious judgement or act need not (p. 52).

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What is a seared conscience mean?

A seared conscience is one that is completely dead. It’s calloused over so that we cannot feel anything. When our conscience is seared, our lives become hypocritical. Rather than making Christianity attractive we make it unappealing.

What the Bible says about the conscience?

Hebrews 9:14 says the blood of Christ not only saves us, but it cleanses our conscience so we understand what honors God. We call that our Christian conscience. To fail to obey our Christian conscience is sin (James 4:17).

What is seared conscience?

What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and your conscience?

The conscience is an inner human faculty corrupted by sin and the Fall. And the Holy Spirit is the divine agent God uses to begin His redemptive work in a believer. The Spirit takes someone who is dead in sin and darkened in their understanding (Eph.

What does it mean for a person to have a seared conscience?

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What does it mean for a person to have a seared conscience? The picture given by the apostle Paul is one in which a person’s conscience or convictions have been desensitized. Through repeated exposure to evil, a person’s sense of right and wrong can become numb to the point that a person can no longer easily distinguish between good and evil.

Does your conscience work properly?

Such a conscience does not work properly; it’s as if “spiritual scar tissue” has dulled the sense of right and wrong. Just as the hide of an animal scarred with a branding iron becomes numb to further pain, so the heart of an individual with a seared conscience is desensitized to moral pangs.

What does the Bible say about having a good conscience?

Earlier in the epistle, Paul speaks of the “good conscience” as opposed to the seared conscience. “Advancing God’s work,” he says, comes by faith, and love “comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith” ( 1 Timothy 1:4–5 ). A good conscience has the capability to tell right from wrong and is free from guilt.

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Why does the reprobate have no desire to repent?

The reprobate has no desire to repent because they love their sin; they’ve rejected godly principles and only live by the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. If you work with your hands, you’ll get callouses.