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What does conjunct aspect mean in astrology?

What does conjunct aspect mean in astrology?

The aspect known as “conjunct,” where two planets are in the same sign, is considered soft, as well. Conjunct heavenly bodies tend to mix their respective energies together to make a potent cosmic cocktail. For example, Mercury conjunct Venus foretells of easy communication and free expression of your emotions.

What is a conjunction aspect?

What is a Conjunction Aspect in Astrology? In astrology, the aspect called conjunction describes two separate points in the solar system that unite and blend their energies together. These points are often planets, such as Earth, Mars, Jupiter, but can also be other luminary bodies such as Chiron, Lilith and more.

Is conjunction better than Trine?

So here’s the deal: If two or more planets are within 0° of each other on the zodiac wheel (or close to it), it’s called a conjunction. If they’re 60° apart, it’s a sextile. The easy aspects (sometimes known as soft aspects) are sextile and trine, and are considered to be gentler, and more positive and auspicious.

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What is a positive aspect in astrology?

Trines. Trines occur when planets are 120 degrees from each other in your natal chart, or four signs away. This is a positive aspect and represents harmony and strong flow between the planets.

What is conjuction aspects in astrology?

Conjuction Aspects in Astrology. A conjunction aspect in astrology is when planets appear next to each other as seen from the Earth. The conjunction can be made up of a number of different planets that are in close proximity.

What is the conjunction aspect?

From our perspective on Earth, points that are in the conjunction aspect seem to move together. In natal charts, they are planets that are 0 degrees away from each other (give or take a margin of 6 degrees) and appear within the same zodiac sign. Once these energies are mixed, they move and act as one united force.

What is the conjunction of the planets?

The conjunction can be made up of a number of different planets that are in close proximity. The angle between them is 0° – the 360 degree circle is effectively divided by the number one as the planets are grouped together. This is the original number of unity in which there is no division or room for disharmony – it is pure unity.

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Are the planets in conjunct conjunct aspects always compatible?

Even though the powers of those planets are combined during a conjunction aspect, that doesn’t always mean they will be compatible with each other. In fact, some energies will not be able to work well together at all, while others are compatible and cooperate.
