
What does Hinduism say about abuse?

What does Hinduism say about abuse?

It declares that those who do not disturb others and are not disturbed by them in turn are very dearer to God. In Hinduism, causing intentional harm to others in any form is considered sinful, with negative consequences for one’s rebirth.

What does Hinduism say about family?

The Hindu view of caste, ashramas, and family are inseparable—every person is born into a family belonging to a particular caste, and passes through the four stages of life by practicing dharma appropriate to each stage of life.

What does Hinduism say about hurting others?

Most Hindus believe that moral evil is caused by other people. They feel that Hindus should act with kindness and non-violence to all living things. This belief is called ‘ahimsa’. Those who deliberately hurt others or harm the Earth will face karmic consequences.

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What do Hindus teach their children?

In many Hindu families children are taught about one supreme God who is in everything. They are shown a glass of water and told the following story. Many Hindus use an aum symbol when they worship. This is a special sign for God, often seen in homes and in Hindu temples (mandirs).

What does Hinduism say about evil and suffering?

‘Evil’ is the state when good is not present or ignored. It also refers to the necessary ‘bad’ things required for cosmic balance. Hindus believe in karma or ‘intentional action’. Most Hindus believe that much of the suffering they endure is a result of their own actions.

What is the relationship between Hindu parents and their children?

Hindus loves their children dearly. They believe that their children are gifts from gods and products of their previous karma. Many presume that their children were related to them in their past lives or were their close friends.

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Do Hindus celebrate the birth of a baby girl?

While the birth of a son is still welcome in almost every Hindu family, now a days the birth of baby girl is also welcomed by many educated parents, who consider it as an auspicious sign, as if a goddess is born in their house. Hindus are very possessive about their children and spend a great deal of their time and energy in bringing them up.

What is the problem of childlessness in Hinduism?

Children in Hinduism. Childlessness causes great hardship for both men and women in Hindu families, despite the fact that over population is a major problem of present day India. While for men it is mostly a problem of their virility and manhood for women it is the stigma of barrenness and the absence of the pleasures of motherhood.

What is the importance of having a son in Hinduism?

A son is generally preferred because he upholds the family values and ensures its continuity. The Vedas clearly state that a man lives through his son.

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