
What does Hinduism say about cremation?

What does Hinduism say about cremation?

They see the body as a prison for the soul, one that generates attachments and desires that prevent forward progress towards freedom. Therefore, in Hindu funerals, the role of cremation is to sever the ties of the soul to the body that it is leaving, freeing it to move toward mukti.

Do all Hindus cremate bodies?

Cremation. Traditionally, all Hindus—except babies, children, and saints—are cremated. Traditionally, the casket is carried on a stretcher and walked to the cremation site, though it is acceptable to transport the body in a vehicle.

Is it haram to get cremated?

Cremation is considered by Islam to be “haram,” or an unclean practice. Islamic belief holds that only Allah knows what is good or bad for us and that the body should be treated with the utmost respect in life and in death. Burning the dead is considered a form of mutilation, forbidden by Allah.

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Is DNA destroyed in cremation?

Cremation is an irreversible process. The heat in a cremation chamber may range from 1,400 to 1,800 degrees F. Any DNA is thus destroyed by the cremation process. With burial, you can exhume a body and still extract identifying information, even though natural decay processes are present.

Can a Hindu be cremated in the US?

Hinduism and Cremation. In the United States, the law requires that cremation must be done in a crematorium, resulting in some differences in how American Hindus must observe their funeral customs. Yet, many Hindu families try to incorporate what they can of the ancient traditions as they are observed in India.

What is the role of cremation in Hindu Funerals?

Therefore, in Hindu funerals, the role of cremation is to sever the ties of the soul to the body that it is leaving, freeing it to move toward mukti. The only Hindus typically not cremated are babies, children, and saints, who are believed to be pure and unattached to their bodies; therefore they may be buried instead of cremated.

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What do Hindus believe about death and reincarnation?

Hindu Beliefs About Death. As believers of reincarnation, Hindus follow the idea that it’s only their body that dies. The soul is reborn in a different form after death. This recycling of life continues until the soul finds it’s true nature.

How is a body transported to a cremation site in India?

If the cremation takes place in India, it is generally performed near the Ganges river. Carrying Body by Foot The casket is occasionally transported to the cremation site by vehicle, but is commonly carried by foot. In most sects, only men are present at the cremation.