What does it mean if a girl says she loves you as a friend?

What does it mean if a girl says she loves you as a friend?

Originally Answered: When a girl says “I love you but as a friend” what does it indicates? It means that she cares for you a lot and loves you like you’d love and care for family but she’s not interested in being romantically involved with you.

How do you tell if a girl thinks of you as a friend?

6 subtle signs she wants to be just a friend!

  1. 01/7Tell-tale signs that she’s treating you as a good friend only…
  2. 02/7She discusses her love life with you.
  3. 03/7​She is trying to hook you up with someone else.
  4. 04/7​Her body language says it all.
  5. 05/7​You guys hang out in a group.
  6. 06/7​The way she addresses you.
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Will a girl tell you if you’re wrong if she loves you?

But if she just uses you and doesn’t really love you, she will not tell you if you’re wrong. In fact, she wouldn’t care if you are wrong. At the same time, someone who truly loves you will not let you believe that you are always right.

Why does she keep me around if she’s not that into me?

Read along and find out for yourself. She’s not that into you, but she keeps you around because she’s bored if… 1. She bails on you more frequently than she actually shows up. To her, you’re not even Plan B. You’re Plan Z. If literally ALL else fails, she’ll hang out with you. You’re her safety net, her backup plan. 2.

Why does my girlfriend show signs she likes me but is scared?

Understand why she is like this and to start, here are the most common reasons why she shows signs she likes you but is scared. She has been hurt before. She has been lied to or the person she once loved cheated on her. She felt used and didn’t really experience being loved. She thinks she is unworthy of true love.

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When a woman loves you what will she do for You?

When a Woman Loves You She Will Do These 10 Things For You 1. When a woman loves you, she listens to you Have you ever felt like you’re having a monologue when talking to some… 2. She tells you when you’re wrong Do you believe that if you’re always right about everything? Well, I know your