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What does it mean that God is on our side?

What does it mean that God is on our side?

It’s basically a way of saying, “There is no point trying to fight against me, as I am destined to win.” If God is on your side, then that implies that you cannot lose, as God is, by definition, unbeatable. It is essentially a boast that you are number one and that it isn’t worth even trying to challenge you.

What does the Bible say about God being silent?

Matthew 1:23 says, “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). When you hear God’s silence and feel his absence, trust his presence. God is with us and God is active even when God is silent.

What should I do when I can’t feel God’s presence?

When you can’t feel God’s presence, don’t panic. Let your prayers and your praise rise to the One who lives in your heart, night and day. You can’t escape His presence ( Psalm 139 ).

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What should I do if I Feel Like I’m questioning God?

But here are some action steps that can help. Know you’re in good company. Some of God’s best friends questioned Him, such as Moses ( Exodus 5:22-23 ), David ( Psalm 42:9-11 ), Martha ( John 11:21 ), and others. Feeling alone or questioning God doesn’t mean you don’t believe Him.

How can I Stop Feeling alone and distant from God?

Instead of listening to dark and doubting thoughts, remember and meditate on the truth. So when you feel alone and distant from God, don’t listen to the dark and doubting thoughts. Instead, remember and meditate on the truth. Remember that all the Persons of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) are intimately involved in your life.

How do you pray for someone who has been hurt?

1. Pray boldly and authentically. Pour out all that lies in the heart. 2. Listen for His answers. Sometimes we speak and do too much, drowning out the subtle voice of Jesus. 3. Praise God for all He is! Gratitude and praise are powerful weapons against pain. 4. Worship Him even when it’s difficult.