
What does it mean when a guy never initiates text messages?

What does it mean when a guy never initiates text messages?

The fact that he rarely initiates texts is indicative of a lack of strong or even true interest. He is basically biding his time, preoccupied with other things and you are rarely in his thoughts until of course, he receives your text. Now, he replies. This is one scenario.

Is it okay to Text Your Boyfriend as a friend?

Still, he enjoys chatting to you every now and then. And, since you’re always the one initiating contact, it lessens his guilt over it. He can just pass you off as a friend. If his GF gets annoyed, he can always say that you’re the one texting him.

What does it mean when a guy replies to your text?

He is basically biding his time, preoccupied with other things and you are rarely in his thoughts until of course, he receives your text. Now, he replies. This is one scenario. Another scenario could be that he is allowing you to be in the driver’s seat.

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Should I text him back if he doesn’t Text Me?

The same thing is true at the start of dating. If he texts, text him back. If he doesn’t text YOU, DON’T TEXT HIM EITHER. This is your best strategy to not waste time on men who are not genuinely interested. The truth is there are lots of men who will waste your time and string you along, BUT ONLY IF YOU LET THEM.

Why does my boyfriend never Text Me first but always replies?

15 reasons your man never texts you first but always replies to you 1. Shyness and reticence prevent him 2. He is guarding himself emotionally 3. Unresolved past issues are not letting him open up easily 4. Annoying and disturbing you unknowingly is out of the question 5. Insecurities push him into a shell

How to get a guy to stop texting you first?

In essence, he is like a sleeping tiger. One of the best ways to force his hand is to stop initiating the texts. He will notice that you are missing and will begin to wonder or worry about why that is. He may get into hunting mode at this point and start taking initiative by texting you first.

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What does it mean when a guy keeps answering your texts?

If he just keeps going along with the status quo and answering your texts, he’s hoping that soon you’ll realize he’s just not into dating in RL. But hey, he gets some female attention and funny dog memes that you send him in the meantime, so it’s all good for now.