Tips and tricks

What does it mean when you cant explain yourself?

What does it mean when you cant explain yourself?

Alexithymia is when an individual has difficulty identifying, describing, and expressing emotions. This term was coined by Peter Sifneos in 1972, and it comes from the roots of Greek words that literally mean, “lack of words for emotion.”

How can I learn to explain things better?

  1. 10 ways to explain things more effectively.
  2. Keep in mind others’ point of view.
  3. Listen and respond to questions.
  4. Avoid talking over student’s head or talking down to them.
  5. Ask questions to determine student’s understanding.
  6. Take it step by step.
  7. Use direct eye contact.
  8. Use analogies to make concepts clearer.
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Why do I justify myself?

Overexplaining might be a type of response to past trauma, also known as the fawn response, Nobrega says. If you’ve experienced trauma, you might rely on people pleasing behaviors like over explaining to keep you safe. You might also slip into over explaining if you’ve been gaslit.

Do you need to Explain yourself to others all the time?

I understand we need others to have a healthy balance, but we need to take care of ourselves, too. YOU are the most important person in your life. So stop feeling the need to explain yourself to others all the time. Make your decisions and stick to them. If you see you’ve made a mistake, then correct it.

Do you need an explanation when the other person doesn’t?

Like the previous example, there are situations where we assume that the other person requires an explanation, when in fact they don’t. While there are circumstances that could use an explanation, more often than not, your answer, statement, question (whatever it may be), is more than enough.

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Do you have to answer to anyone except yourself for decisions?

There are obvious exceptions like a spouse, a partner, a boss, etc. However, unless your decisions affect someone else, you don’t have to answer to anyone except yourself for the decisions you make. And the only person you have to please is you. A lot of us feel this need to explain ourselves.

How do I Stop Feeling the need to justify myself to others?

So stop feeling the need to explain yourself to others all the time. Make your decisions and stick to them. If you see you’ve made a mistake, then correct it. But correct them with your own choices, not someone else’s. If the decisions you make please you, that is what is important. You don’t have to justify yourself.