
What does Legolas say Lothlorien?

What does Legolas say Lothlorien?

In the Fellowship of the Ring movie, when the fellowship reaches Lothlorian, Legolas said that the elves are singing a lament for Gandalf : r/lotr.

Why did Aragorn capture Gollum?

Aragorn wanted to follow a hidden route, and was well aware of Sauron’s spies, and also Gollum’s talent as a riverman and an escape artist. He took a winding path, crossing the Anduin twice, and going through the most difficult terrain he could find. He wanted to be lost to all who might hunt him.

What creature follows the company into Lothlorien?

After night falls, a company of Orcs passes under them, chasing after the Fellowship, but the creatures are waylaid by the Elves. Frodo and the others then see another strange creature—a small, crouching shape with pale eyes—but it slips away into the night.

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When did Gollum escape Mirkwood?

Welcome to June 28, 3018, the day (well, night) that Gollum escaped from the Wood-elves. We don’t have a lot of information to go on, but let’s dive on in.

What Gimli to Haldir?

Haldir: “We have not had dealings with the Dwarves since the Dark Days.” Gimli: “And you know what this Dwarf says to that? Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!” (I spit upon your grave!)

Does Legolas know Galadriel?

Legolas does not directly reference the Lady Galadriel, but rather the sense of loss which includes the realm of Lothlorien, and promises that its memory will be untarnished for Gimli: ‘Nay! ‘ said Legolas.

What happens to Lothlórien?

Even after the assaults on Lórien by Sauron’s forces during the War of the Ring, there must have been several thousand Silvan Elves remaining in the land. By the time Arwen came there to die in FO 121, Lothlórien was deserted. She was buried on the hill of Cerin Amroth, where she and Aragorn had been betrothed.

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What kind of Elves lived in Lothlórien?

Lothlórien was a kingdom of Silvan Elves on the eastern side of the Hithaeglir. It was considered one of the most beautiful and “elvish” places in Middle-earth during the Third Age, and had the only mallorn-trees east of the sea.

How does Gandalf’s fall affect the Elves of Lothlórien?

Although the elves of Lothlórien are mistrustful, especially of the dwarf, they admit the Fellowship into their protected land. Word of Gandalf’s fall deeply troubles the Lord and Lady of the Wood. Lady Galadriel observes that the quest hangs in the balance, but it may still succeed if the remaining eight remain faithful.

What does Galadriel see in the mirror in The Hobbit?

When Frodo becomes restless, he and Sam encounter Galadriel. She offers them a vision from her mirror, which can show the past, the present, or the uncertain future. When Sam looks, he first sees Frodo lying pale and lifeless, then he sees the felling of trees in the Shire and the destruction of his own home.

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What is the timelessness of Lothlórien?

The timelessness of Lothlórien, where the Fellowship stays for weeks though it feels like only a few days, mirrors the timelessness of the elves themselves, and here we begin to feel how strange the elves truly are. For Tolkien, they represent a kind of primeval wonder that is passing from the world.

What happened to the Fellowship in The Lord of the Rings?

Unable to stop for their grief because they know that orcs will soon pursue them, the remaining members of the Fellowship race away from Moria. Only pausing long enough to tend the injuries of Frodo and Sam, they reach the elven woods of Lothlórien that night.