What does Native American Andean mean?

What does Native American Andean mean?

Andean culture is a collective term used to refer to the indigenous peoples of the Andes mountains especially those that came under the influence of the Inca Empire. Cultures considered Andean include: Atacama people. Aymara people.

Which Andean tribe was the earliest?

The Caral or Norte Chico civilization of Peru is the oldest known civilization in the Americas, dating back to 3200 BCE.

Who were the Andean Indians?

northern Andean Indian, member of any of the aboriginal peoples inhabiting Central America (south from Guatemala) and the northern coast of South America, including the northern drainage of the Orinoco River; the West Indies are also customarily included.

What is the difference between the Cherokee and other Native American tribes?

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Many differences exist between the Cherokee or CWY (Principle People) and the many other tribes of North America. The Cherokee are believed to have settled in the region that incorporates what is now portions of five U.S. states, including Eastern North Carolina, more than 500 years ago.

What is the correct term for Native American?

“In the United States, Native American has been widely used but is falling out of favor with some groups, and the terms American Indian or Indigenous American are preferred by many Native people,” a FAQ on the museum site explains.

Should you use ‘Native American’ or ‘American Indian’?

The preference between using Native American or American Indian is personal. Both terms are generally acceptable, according to the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI), a Smithsonian institution based in both New York and Washington, D.C.

Which Native American tribes had the least altered DNA?

As stated in a previous reply, the Andeans, given their isolation may have remained with a least altered DNA. The Incas, which are an Andean tribe was far more advanced than the Cherokee. The jury might be out on this one for many years to come.