What does riding a Harley say about you?

What does riding a Harley say about you?

“A Harley” You’re a big believer in tradition, as well as the freedom of the open road, American-style. You have no interest in getting a knee down; you just want to cruise in style and comfort from place to place. Sure, there are less expensive cruisers you could buy, but you’ll be a Harley owner till you die.

Why does everyone love Harley Davidson?

Probably the number one reason why most people prefer Harley motorcycles is the legacy so rounding the brand and its bikes. The motorcycle brand has roots and history that’s comparable to no other American motorcycle manufacturer.

What is the average age of a Harley Davidson owner?

But there is another statistic associated with these legendary bikes that is startling, all the more so if you don’t ride: The average age of a Harley owner these days is 44. In fact, more than eight out of 10 Harley owners are over 35; almost one in five is 55 or older.

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Who now owns Harley Davidson?

Harley-Davidson Motor Company Group, Inc
Harley Davidson Motor Co Group LLC
Harley-Davidson/Parent organizations

Are Harley Davidsons easy to work on?

Harleys are easy to work on That means you might not need help from those dealers and indie mechanics.

What is considered too many miles for a motorcycle?

For small sports bikes, 20,000 to 30,000 is on the high side. For larger bikes, 50,000 miles and up is considered high motorcycle mileage. But before you write off any models, consider that a properly maintained bike can last well past 100,000 miles!

What state has the most motorcycle deaths?

Key findings: Louisiana, South Carolina and Mississippi have the highest rates of motorcycle fatalities. Nearly 95\% of fatalities involved alcohol. Motorcycle fatalities increased by 9\% in the last year and 17\% since 2010.

What does Harley hog stand for?

The Harley Owners Group
Home › Customer Corner › H.O.G. The Harley Owners Group (H.O.G.) is an organization founded and sponsored by Harley-Davidson Motor Company.

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Why do we love Harley-Davidson so much?

You don’t have to think like a cult member to love your Harley-Davidson. There are some concrete reasons we like these old sleds. Reasons that are logical and intellectually honest. Like any machine, a Harley can be a real treat to own, if it’s the right bike for the task you have in mind.

Why don’t people ride another Harley Davidson?

Sounds extreme, but that’s the way the rule works. Only ride another Harley if the owner offers, otherwise, it’s a road best left untaken. Harley riders aren’t concerned with going fast, performing stunts or even exploring. They’re just in it to mount up, shut up and cruise. If that isn’t one’s style, they shouldn’t get a Harley.

Can we see motorcycles even when they are right in front?

But there are things that move quickly enough, and are small enough, that we don’t necessarily “see” them even when they are right in front of us. As you might guess, motorcycles fall into that category of things that we don’t always perceive even if they are right in our field of vision.

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Why do you like riding a motorcycle?

Simply though, motorcycles are bicycles for adults. With high risk comes high reward and, at the end of the day, there’s nothing else quite like piloting a motorcycle. For me and many others, it is nirvana. I want to see more people on bikes but it takes dedication and the development of skills to do it safely.