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What does Saturn retrograde in 1st house mean?

What does Saturn retrograde in 1st house mean?

Retrograde means out of control. Saturn won’t obey the rules of the planetary king Sun. So Saturn’s power would be raw and unfiltered. Saturn will make a person extreme lazy or disciplined (Based on the placement and aspects).

What happens when Saturn retrograde 2021?

After a gap of close to five months (141 days to be exact), Saturn will move into its direct motion on October 11. It was on May 23, 2021, that Saturn had moved into retrograde motion in Capricorn sign. In general, Saturn retrograde is associated with delays, obstructions, misery, debts and chronic health issues.

What happens when Jupiter is in retrograde in Capricorn sign?

Jupiter is the planet of hope and wisdom and it comes in the sign of Capricorn it lose it quality the person may be materialistic and hopeless in bad times, but when it debilitated at same time retrograde the person is not lose its hope in bad times and try to strengthening the personal faith. When Saturn is debilitated.

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What happens during a Saturn retrograde transit?

During any Saturn retrograde transit, we may revisit or review those topics associated with Saturn or feel as if we are given a momentary reprieve from the typical effects of Saturn transits, which may include pressure and a sensation of burden, fear, or frustration.

What happens when a planet is debilitated and retrograde at the same time?

So whenever a planet is debilitated and retro at the same times it just simply means the person reflecting on the debilitation of the planet. Therefore the planet debilitation is reduced in some way. To understands this let’s take an example of Mercury retrograde and it is debilated at the same time.

What does it mean when Mercury is in retrograde?

Debilitated Mercury means, someone’s misspeaking, not paying attention to details. But when Mercury turns retrograde it actually has the effect of reversing the problem of Mercury debilitating.