
What does the Bible say about affirmation?

What does the Bible say about affirmation?

Affirmations in the Bible Biblical affirmations are the use of Scripture to take our thoughts captive to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). This means turning around the lies of the enemy, Satan, and replacing it with the truth of God’s Word.

How do you manifest God’s blessings?

Enhance your purchase

  1. Transform your mind so you can think from God’s realm of unlimited supply.
  2. Build your faith through a supernatural prayer language.
  3. Enjoy God’s blessings while living in the place of peace.
  4. Ask and receive the desires of your heart.
  5. Activate the process of manifesting the blessings of God.

Is it OK for Christians to use affirmations?

Types of Positive Affirmations for Christians While Christians should absolutely be cautious of any affirmations that are human-centered, I believe the use of Biblically-based affirmations can turn your thoughts to God and His work in your life.

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What does manifest mean biblically?

Definitions of manifestation. a clear appearance. “a manifestation of great emotion” examples: Second Coming of Christ. (Christian theology) the reappearance of Jesus as judge for the Last Judgment.

Are subliminal affirmations good or bad?

If the subliminal affirmations are in fact positive, they cannot simultaneously be “bad, wrong, evil”. You cannot have a positive negative, or a negative positive. They cancel out.

Is listening to subliminals a sin?

So the answer is subliminal in themselves aren’t sin, and depends on which direction a individual who listens decided to take. Some sublimal frequencies are used to make one become a real witch which means it can be be their choice of decision that make just that individual to wrong directional path.

Is it a sin to voluntarily listen to positive affirmations?

No, it is not a sin to voluntarily listen to positive affirmations. I guess others could find a grey area here with positive being subjective. In addition to what constitutes a sin. So if the affirmations are not set to program you to gain at another’s demise then in my opinion it would not be classified as a sin.

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Are subliminals safe or evil?

So, are subliminals safe or evil? A subliminal by itself is neither good nor bad. It’s simply a tool for reprogramming the subconscious mind. You can listen to them without any worries as long as the affirmations used within are not created in bad faith, with an intention to deceive and harm the user.