What does the movie Joker teach us?

What does the movie Joker teach us?

The ”Joker” movie leaves a very strong message: kindness will save the world. Or at least those people around you who need a hug instead of an arrogant smile. Arthur Fleck wants to make people smile, to be a good son and live in a kind society. Which he would do, if it wasn’t for his bitter childhood experience.

Why is the Joker movie so good?

The cinematography of the movie is so astonishing that audience will fall in love with the director’s intention of presenting something in a certain way. The stunning direction of Todd Phillips makes Jokes the best movie of 2019. Take a bow, Tod, for the direction and Joaquin a standing ovation for the spectacular act.

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Is the Joker movie upsetting?

“Joker” is placed in Gotham City and is about how a mentally-ill comedian is disregarded by society and portrays his downward spiral that brings him face to face with his alter-ego: the Joker. The film contains violence, disturbing behavior and language, which has caused an uproar among critics and viewers.

What makes The Joker good?

With the unique inhuman ability and powerful mind set, The Joker is undoubtely the best super villain of all times that can’t be compared with any other super villains. He’s incredible superhuman power made him the most popular and the most admired supervillain in the history of DC comics as well as for the Batman.

What can we learn from the Joker?

The joker very famous comic and there are lots of thing can learn from joker and all are inspirational quotes and it encourage us and joker teach many life situations and tell us to how to handle the difficult situation and never give up and all problem with confident.

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Is the Joker’s origin story multiple choice?

The Joker famously said in “The Killing Joke” that his origin story is “multiple choice,” and this movie certainly upholds that claim with a vengeance for Arthur Fleck (mostly by making him an unreliable narrator and leaving the audience to guess how much of what it’s seeing is real and how much is just hallucinatory or a self-serving memory).

How many kinds of laughter did Joker make in Joker?

Being a Joker movie, you had to take pay extra attention to his laughter. That is when I noticed that there are 3 kind of laughter he made that we can learnt about. We tend to put on a facade to hide our emotion. There are occasion where he laugh at jokes made by others.