
What does the phrase far out mean?

What does the phrase far out mean?

far out. An interjection meaning “great” or “cool,” as in All he could say when he won the lottery was “Far out!” Originally a slang term for daringly creative jazz, this expression has been applied to other art forms and undertakings. [ Colloquial; mid-1900s]

What does far out mean in Australian slang?

“Far Out” is said when you really can’t believe something.

How do you use far out in a sentence?

The ship was driven far out of her course. He went far out of his way and lost much time, all on account of his surliness.

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What does the expression far out man mean?

This expression describing something excellent or otherwise impressive originated in the world of jazz, where far out suggested the idea of something beyond compare.

Is Bummer a rude word?

Bummer, meaning depressing, is not even remotely a swear word in American English. It’s not even impolite, probably because we don’t use “bum” to mean rear end. (We use butt or ass — the first is impolite but more or less acceptable, and the second is much cruder.)

What does far out mean in New Zealand?

Far out. This is an interjection that can mean “wow” or “awesome”, or be used to express surprise and awe.

Where did the phrase far out come from?

far-out (adj.) also far out, 1887, “remote, distant;” from adverbial phrase, from far (adv.) + out (adv.). Slang sense of “excellent, wonderful,” is from 1954, originally in jazz talk.

When was the term far out used?

The first known use of far-out was in 1954.

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When was far out popular?

far out, man. Like other 60s expressions, far out comes from jazz lingo in the 1940s and 1950s, used to express progressive or innovative music and musicians.

When was the saying far out popular?

It probably dates back to the 1920s and 1930s, and the earliest social use of marijuana. As Quora User wrote, the jazz age gave it a push, but what really pushed the term into mainstream American English was the 1960s hippies’ gleeful experimentation with drugs.

Did hippies say far out?

Far out was an expression used by hippies in the 60s when something was “cool, great, fun, terrific, excellent, awesome, wonderful, or even strange.” A tie-dye shirt could be far out and so could an avant-garde movie. Far out was also a way of saying thanks.

How do they say goodbye in Australia?

Hooroo = Goodbye The Australian slang for goodbye is Hooroo and sometimes they even Cheerio like British people.

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What does the slang term far out mean?

far out. The definition of far out is slang for something that is unusual or innovative. An example of far out is a really hot new outfit worn by a fashion model that is very different from anything ever designed before.

What does far off mean?

far off. If you describe a moment in time as far off, you mean that it is a long time from the present, either in the past or the future. Back in those far off days, his argument was credible. Agreement is even further off.

What is a synonym for far away?

Princeton ‘s WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate these synonyms: faraway, far-off(adj) very far away in space or time. “faraway mountains”; “the faraway future”; “troops landing on far-off shores”; “far-off happier times”. Synonyms: far-off.

What does ‘far removed from’ mean?

far removed from. idiom. : very different from (something) a pampered life far removed from the poverty of his youth Hockey and soccer are not that far removed from each other.