What does the ultimate question mean?

What does the ultimate question mean?

The Ultimate Question is the actual inquiry behind the Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. The Ultimate Question was sought after the supercomputer Deep Thought revealed the Ultimate Answer to be 42. When Deep Thought asked, Loonquawl and Phouchg were unable to say what the actual question was.

Why are ultimate questions important?

Now read this worksheet. Think about what Ultimate Questions are and write a definition down in your books. What Ultimate Questions do you have? Working with a partner, try to think and write down as many ultimate questions as you can.

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What is the ultimate answer to the ultimate question?

number 42
The number 42 is especially significant to fans of science fiction novelist Douglas Adams’ “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” because that number is the answer given by a supercomputer to “the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.”

What is the difference between proximate and ultimate questions?

Proximate explanations focus on things that occur during the life of an individual. Ultimate explanations focus on things that occur in populations over many generations.

Who said that philosophy is the attempt to answer the ultimate questions?

Bertrand Russell
Bertrand Russell wrote that philosophy is the attempt to answer “ultimate questions” — questions about the clarity, coherence, or reasonableness of those concepts and presuppositions that non-philosophers presume to be intelligible or obviously true.

What is the point of 42?

42 is the answer to the “ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything,” a joke in Douglas Adams’s 1979 novel, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

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Why can’t you question everything?

You cannot question everything, because the device for questioning is flawed. You see, questions are derived from known context, observable voids in one’s knowledge base being the target. Answers are produced by filling in these voids.

What is the Ultimate Question?

The Ultimate Question is the actual inquiry behind the Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. The Ultimate Question was sought after the supercomputer Deep Thought revealed the Ultimate Answer to be 42.

What is the ultimate answer to everything in life?

Ultimate Question The Ultimate Question is the actual inquiry behind the Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. The Ultimate Question was sought after the supercomputer Deep Thought revealed the Ultimate Answer to be 42. When Deep Thought asked, Loonquawl and Phouchg were unable to say what the actual question was.

Do our “why” questions become more existential as we age?

42. As people get older, their “why” questions do tend to become ever more existential. The “why” seeks reason, and to qualify as a proper answer, the answer must have meaning behind it.