What does unabridged edition mean?

What does unabridged edition mean?

unabridged Add to list Share. When a book is unabridged it’s the whole thing, with nothing cut out. If you’re seeking a definition for a very unusual word, you may need to look in an unabridged dictionary. To “abridge” something is to shorten it, so an unabridged edition has not been shortened.

Is my book abridged or not?

Look for Abridged on the title page. If there is no indication, you can assume the book is unabridged. You’re more likely to find the term Unabridged applied to the audio book editions of a book to ensure listeners they’re getting the entire book as it was print published.

Are audible books abridged?

No. Audible sells both abridged and unabridged audiobooks as well as a wide range of other audio programs. A complete catalog of unabridged titles can be viewed here. A complete catalog of abridged titles can be viewed here.

Are Penguin Classics abridged books?

The Classics are not abridged versions of the text. However some books – such as Frankenstein have other versions as published by the author so there’s an 1818 version and a second 1831 so check with the school that you are getting the right version.

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How many pages is the Count of Monte Cristo unabridged?

Product Details

ISBN-13: 9782491251437
Publication date: 07/29/2020
Pages: 884
Sales rank: 116,073
Product dimensions: 5.83(w) x 8.27(h) x 1.96(d)

How can you tell if a book is unabridged?

In order to tell if a book is abridged or unabridged, just scroll down in the book’s info page. In the Details section, there will be a gray box that says “Abridged”. Keep in mind that this box only appears when the title is abridged, meaning that any title without this gray box will be unabridged.

What does abridged and unabridged mean?

Unabridged books or audiobooks contain the original content. It is not shortened or altered in any way and is exactly how the author published it. Abridged books or audiobooks are a shortened version of the original work. They are condensed by using fewer words and eliminating long descriptions whilst still keeping the “sense” of the book.

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What does unabridged regarding a book Mean?

Unabridged books are more complete (longer) in content compared to the abridged books having simpler (shorter) content.

  • Unabridged books are best for the recreational type of readers while the abridged books are best for students.
  • Unabridged books practically cost more than abridged books.
  • What does unabridged mean for audio books?

    The definition of unabridged is a book or work that is complete and not shortened. An audio book with a reading of the entire book is an example of unabridged. YourDictionary definition and usage example.