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What extracurriculars do I need to get into Harvard?

What extracurriculars do I need to get into Harvard?

What Extracurricular Activities Does Harvard Look for? There are no particularly “best extracurricular activities for ivy league applications”. It could be anything from creative writing to swimming to theatrics to cooking to cinematography, as long as it shows some exceptional talent.

How much do extracurriculars count in college admissions?

When recently surveyed, the majority of U.S. colleges said extracurriculars have “moderate importance” (approximately 41 percent) or “limited importance (approximately 34 percent) when factored into a student’s overall college application, according to the National Association for College Admissions Counseling (NACAC).

Can you get into Ivy League with no extracurriculars?

Originally Answered: Is it possible to get into an Ivy League without extracurriculars? Yes. Unless you have a compelling reason not to get involved with any activities outside of classroom work, the competition requires it.

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Do extra-curricular activities matter when applying to Harvard College?

Harvard College admissions website also mentions that extra-curricular activities do make student applications attractive, but are not necessary. They look at the application as a whole to see what makes you an exceptional applicant. In some cases that factor may be extra-curricular, in others, it may be academics.

How important are extracurricular activities on a college application?

This does not necessarily mean that applicants to smaller, less-competitive private colleges need to have absolutely perfect extracurricular activities on their application to be accepted. Rather, it means that ECs are considered nearly, if not just as important as grades and test scores.

What are some of your classmates’ interests at Harvard University?

Some of the interests my Harvard classmates were involved in, were deeply related to their area of study. For example, coding for Computer Science students and 3D modeling for Architecture Technology students, which they had pursued outside of their curriculum at college just owing to their personal interests.

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Is the admission process really that hard?

Of course, no process is perfect. Inevitably, some students who are not admitted will see great success, and even with a 97 to 98 percent graduation rate, some admitted students might have been better served at another institution. We do everything possible to make the best admissions decision for each student.