
What fields can make you a billionaire?

What fields can make you a billionaire?

Engineering. Coming in at the top is engineering – which might surprise you, but the scope of engineering is huge and widening all of the time.

  • Economics / Finance.
  • Politics.
  • Mathematics.
  • Computer Science.
  • Law.
  • MBA.
  • Which career is best to become a billionaire?

    Here are 14 jobs that often have lucrative advancement opportunities, which can help make you a millionaire when you plan ahead and are successful in your career.

    1. Professional athlete.
    2. Investment banker.
    3. Entrepreneur.
    4. Lawyer.
    5. Certified public accountant.
    6. Insurance agent.
    7. Engineer.
    8. Real estate agent.

    Which field is best to become rich?

    Best Jobs to Get Rich

    1. Investment Banker. If you’re looking for one of the best jobs to get rich, becoming an investment banker is at the top.
    2. Physician. If you’re good at science and enjoy helping people, becoming a doctor is a good career option.
    3. Orthodontists.
    4. Dentist.
    5. Engineer.
    6. Air Traffic Controller.
    7. Pharmacist.
    8. Lawyer.
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    What business ideas can make you a billionaire?

    What Business Ideas Can Make You A Billionaire? 1 Real Estate 2 CFD Trading 3 Cryptocurrency 4 Insurance Company 5 Oil and Gas Industry/Oil services and equipment 6 Telecommunication services/Communication equipment/software 7 Pharmaceuticals 8 Semi-Conductors 9 Consumer Financial Services

    What are the most lucrative law careers that make you a billionaire?

    Of course, different areas in law can yield higher profits, and the most lucrative law careers that can make you a billionaire include corporate, criminal, patent, tax, real estate and intellectual property law. When it comes to earning big as a lawyer, a steady success rate in courts and a list of big clients are two of the most important factors.

    What does it take to become a billionaire?

    It has made billionaires like Zhong Huijuan, among others. To be a billionaire, it all starts with an idea, a brilliant invention or innovation which identifies the needs of people or businesses, and provides solutions to it. It also involves finding better ways to do things.

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    Is fashion the rarest field for billionaires?

    Fashion is one of the rarest fields for billionaires, accounting for only 4.3\% of their career paths, Wealth-X reports. Those who have succeeded in fashion have become extraordinarily wealthy, however.