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What gifts did the Dursleys give Harry?

What gifts did the Dursleys give Harry?

Harry’s Gifts from the Dursley’s are the Hallows

  • First Year The Dursley’s sent Harry a fifty-pence piece, a representation of the Resurrection Stone.
  • Second Year The Dursley’s sent Harry a toothpick, a representation of the Elder Wand.

What did the Dursleys give Harry for Christmas in Philosopher’s Stone?

50-pence piece
A 50-pence piece – The Dursleys During Harry’s first Christmas away from his adopted family, Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia made sure Harry knew that they hadn’t forgotten about him. They sent him a 50-pence piece – a gift that says: ‘We paid more for postage and packaging than the actual gift. ‘

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What did Harry Potter get for his first Christmas at Hogwarts?

In his first year, Harry got a wooden flute from Hagrid, 50p from Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia, an emerald green sweater from the Weasleys, a Chocolate Frog and Every Flavor Beans from Hermione, and most importantly, an invisibility cloak from Dumbledore.

Who gave Harry his gifts?

During Harry’s first Christmas away from his adopted family, Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia made sure Harry knew that they hadn’t forgotten about him. They sent him a 50-pence piece – a gift that says: ‘We paid more for postage and packaging than the actual gift.

What does Harry receive as a Christmas gift from Ron’s mother?

On Christmas day, Harry and Ron awaken to presents, though Harry’s are fewer. Harry receives candy and a knitted sweater from Ron’s mother. He also receives an invisibility cloak accompanied only by an anonymous note telling him that the cloak once belonged to Harry’s father.

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Why did Professor McGonagall take the Firebolt from Harry in the book?

Correctly suspecting that Sirius Black sent it, Hermione Granger reported it to Professor McGonagall. McGonagall then confiscated it for testing, in order to ensure Harry’s safety.

What did the Dursleys give Harry on his 10th birthday?

The only birthday presents we know Harry got from the Dursleys was a pair of Uncle Vernon’s old socks and a coat hanger for his tenth birthday. After that, they ignored his birthdays.

What did the Dursleys give Harry in the Battle of Hogwarts?

The Dursleys (et al) gave Harry a round object (50 pence piece), one that was stick-like (toothpick) and one that is triangular or square, depending on how you hold it (the tissue). The Dursleys gave Harry the Deathly Hallows.

What was the worst thing about the Dursleys?

Worst of all, there were spiders in there. Big spiders. Ron Weasley would have had a fit. While neglecting their nephew, the Dursleys gleefully overindulged their son Dudley. This created massive problems – ‘massive’ being the operative word, to the extent he soon had to be put on a diet.

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Who gave Harry Potter the Deathly Hallows?

The Dursleys gave Harry the Deathly Hallows. The only thing the Dursley’s gave Harry was a popsicle on Dudley’s birthday in COS because the zoo workers saw two kids and they just assumed that Petunia was going to buy him an ice cream cone too. Not out of generosity at all.