
What happened to Listerine Original mouthwash?

What happened to Listerine Original mouthwash?

Sorry! Listerine Original Mouthwash 500ml has been discontinued. Browse similar products in Mouthwash.

When did Listerine stop using glass bottles?

Bottles were corked until the 1920’s when screw top became popular, and glass was used until the 1990’s. In 1895, Listerine began being marketed as an oral antiseptic.

What was the Listerine mouthwash formula originally used as?

surgical antiseptic
Louis chemist named Joseph Lawrence invented Listerine. The alcohol-based formula was sold as a surgical antiseptic as well as a treatment for cleaning cuts, scrapes, and other wounds. It was also marketed to dentists for oral care. Later, it was pitched as a floor cleaner and a cure for gonorrhea.

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What color was the original Listerine?

Listerine’s savage reputation is no accident. The original brown liquid was created in St. Louis in 1879 as an antibacterial cleanser for doctors and dentists. Inventor Joseph Lawrence, MD, named his creation after Joseph Lister, a famous English surgeon who’d pioneered the use of antiseptics.

What was Listerine developed for?

In 1879, Dr. Lawrence created Listerine – a mouthwash used for cleaning mouths and sterilizing surgical wounds.

How did Listerine get its name?

Listerine, named for Sir Joseph Lister, founder of the practice of antiseptic medicine, was first formulated in St. Louis, MO in 1879 by Dr. Joseph Lawrence and Jordan Wheat Lambert.

Why does Listerine turn my tongue blue?

The blue dye in the mouthwash can bind to germs in your mouth, making them more visible when you spit into the sink. Some consumers find that running water in the sink before spitting out the rinse helps prevent the blue specks from sticking.

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Did Listerine create halitosis?

Let’s get something straight: Listerine did not invent bad breath, they just figured out a clever way to create a market for their product. And it was Gerald Lambert, the son of the owner of Lambert Pharmaceutical Company, who came across the term, “halitosis,” in an old medical journal.

What is the history of Listerine?

Listerine’s history goes back 120 years to when it was originally invented as a surgical antiseptic. It was used widely as such and was also given to dentists to use in oral health care. In distilled form the product also served time as a floor cleaner, as well as a cure for gonorrhea.

Does Listerine kill germs in the mouth?

Studies show that LISTERINE ® rinse is effective at killing germs in the mouth, and it catches the attention of dentists. LISTERINE ® mouthwash becomes the first prescription product in the United States to also be sold over the counter and is marketed as an oral germ killer.

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Is Listerine made by Pfizer?

The Lambert Pharmacal Company merged with Warner-Hudnut in 1955 to form Warner-Lambert which was acquired by Pfizer in 2000. Listerine was marketed as a cure for colds and sore throats until the mid-1970’s when it was found that these claims were misleading.

Can you buy Listerine in a glass bottle?

For just on 80 years Listerine could be bought in a glass bottle packed in a corrugated cardboard box. Costs, however, made it impossible for this practice to continue and the product is now available in less costly plastic bottles.